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Cobalion/Kyurem deck, seniors


Kingdra Player!
Hey so this is the first thread of mine in forever, so im really hoping to get some help with my deck. I am just throwing this deck together, so tell me if i forget something.
4 Cobalion NV
4 Skarmory UD
2-2 Archeops NV
2 Kyurem NV
2 Reshiram BW
1 Cleffa
3 Eviolite
3 Plume Fossil
3 Super Rod
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Switch
2 Research Record
2 Revive
4 Pokemon Collector
2 Bianca
2 N
4 Special Metal
6 Metal
4 Rainbow
2 Water
2 Fire

Strategy: Try to start with Skarmory to set up a Cobalion with Special Metal. Kyurem is for Reshiram. Reshiram is for Scizor. I just made the deck off of my head, so please help with it. Thanks!
4 Evolites seem like much. Maybe take one out for a Cleffa to help you get setup. Good Job!
I don't think Reshiram is quite necessary. I have not seen anyone run Scizor. Unless Scizor is actually popular in your meta, I think you should drop the Reshiram.
Also, it'll be tough to run Cobalion because of its fire weakness. Maybe try 1-1 or 2-2 SEL (Suicune Entei) for Reshiram counter?
hey i heard you liek? (hint as to who i am) i agree with the other guy not to put resi in. bump a skarmory down for a second cleffa and not so many collector.make it 7 metal and 3 rainbow if even that much.