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codyrocks2007s short trading thread


Aspiring Trainer
This is my short trading thread
1.I only trade with the U.S.
2. I must send first b/c i have no refs.But if we are the same we send at same time..
3.This is only a little of my cards
4.Here is my ref forum http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=58824
5 cards must be sent in penny sleeve,also they must be mint im sending mint so i want mint cards my self lol
6.You abide by these rules and you will be fine lol

anything really
but Venusaur(NEW SET)
and bulbasaur all new set i need 4 of each of them
and any trainers or supporters also holo energys i like and rares

TSD(time space distoration)
Uxie Lv.X X2 LA
Uxie LA
Claydol X3<2 (reverse)
Charons choice
Relicanth SH8

Blaziken FB
Rampardos GL
Jirachi SV X2
Machamp X3 SF
Articuno NEW set
Flygon:X2 1 jap
Raquaza C:X2(1 jap)
Rhyperior holo(some lady owns him lol)
Luxray GL
diagla G
Porygon-Z promo DP35
Gliscor Promo DP36
Floatzal GL(jap)
Electrode G(HOLO)jap
Claydol(new set)
dewgong(new set)
shedinja(new set)
Weavile G
Regigigas LA X3(one is holo)
Rampardos PL
Lucario GL
Frosslass GL X2
Venusaur(NEW SET)X2 reverse holo
Heatran(regionals card)
Dusknoir (dark palm)
Luxray POP8 HOLO
Probopass POP8 HOLO

I have many more cards just dont have time to post so please ask me...
Welcome to the trading corner! Can you please CML (Check My List) for
Uxie LA
Uxie Lv. X
1 GE Claydol
Blaziken FB

1 Sealed Pack of SV Pre-release Garchomp Sleeves and the nidoqueen are the only things i see on your thread that i need
CML for your

2x (RH) Claydol GE
1x Uxie Lv X

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
I can do my Venusaur SV, 4 Bulbasaur SV, 4 Ivysaur SV, 2 Pokedex, 2 Prof. Oak's Visit, 1 Volkner's Philosophy, and 1 Cynthia's Feelings

for your Claydol.
hey everyone i will look at everyones trading thread when i get back from cuting my yard lol
i will be back on in 25Mins
I have Ivysaur SV and Bulbasaur SV.What type of trainers,supporters and rares are you looking for?
I have gotten a report that you were a major ripper on Pokegym. If you try anything here, I will have you banned immediately. You have been warned.