The first thing that I thought of when I read Cofagrigus' translation was to pair it with Reuniclus and do a lot of damage while healing a lot of damage. I could try to devote maybe 10 to 15 cards to this in a ZPS deck to help it late game.
Cofagrigus - Psychic - HP90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Yamask
[P][C] Damage Count: Move all damage counters on one of your Benched Pokemon to the Defending Pokemon.
[P][C][C] Bewilder: 30 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Confused.
Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3
Cofagrigus is going to be the main attacker, using Damage Count. It only costs a psychic and a colorless, so that's a 2 turn setup, or less if that Pachirisu and Shaymin are still on your bench from the donk attempt. Dark weakness isn't that bad, but the 90 HP could use some work. Eviolite (If this card is attached to a Basic Pokemon, all damage done to this Pokemon is reduced by 20 damage) could be used to protect it as a Yamask and Defender might help it after it evolves.
Reuniclus helps move all of those damage counters to a benched Pokemon so that we can use Damage Count to its full extent.
So in a Zekrom donk, this would be useful to clean up with. This is my first thread in the Player's Sandbox, so if I'm doing it wrong, then tell me.

Cofagrigus - Psychic - HP90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Yamask
[P][C] Damage Count: Move all damage counters on one of your Benched Pokemon to the Defending Pokemon.
[P][C][C] Bewilder: 30 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Confused.
Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3
Cofagrigus is going to be the main attacker, using Damage Count. It only costs a psychic and a colorless, so that's a 2 turn setup, or less if that Pachirisu and Shaymin are still on your bench from the donk attempt. Dark weakness isn't that bad, but the 90 HP could use some work. Eviolite (If this card is attached to a Basic Pokemon, all damage done to this Pokemon is reduced by 20 damage) could be used to protect it as a Yamask and Defender might help it after it evolves.

Reuniclus helps move all of those damage counters to a benched Pokemon so that we can use Damage Count to its full extent.
So in a Zekrom donk, this would be useful to clean up with. This is my first thread in the Player's Sandbox, so if I'm doing it wrong, then tell me.