CoL Lucario and the Lost Zone


Aspiring Trainer
Hey everyone,

With the Call of Legends Lucario getting a power boost from your own Pokemon in the Lost Zone, are there ways (other then Relicanth)?
Of getting Pokemon into the Lost Zone? I've found Palkia G Lv.X to be the best option, being able to quickly dump both player's Pokemon into the Lost Zone. With Palkia, you can afford to run a heavy Mesprit line, and Zoning Pokemon with Unown Q attached gives you can extra Pokemon in the Lost Zone.
But lucario is totally destroyed by any deck which runs lost world....:( its not a very viable option especially with its 90 hp...
most lost-cario decks run relicanth and absol prime to get pokemon into the lost zone early on

however, for lucario to do enough damage, youll need around 5 pokemon in the lost zone, making it a bad matchup against lost-gar decks
you can do a deck with absol prime, lucario and mew prime. I will let you find out the strategy by yourself. ;)
Absol Prime: LZ's one Pokemon in your hand for 70 damage
Lucario: Can exploit what Absol just did
Mew: Can also exploit what Absol just did, depending on what Pokemon was removed

Or, I could annoy Zitong and tell you the strategy so you don't need to figure it out :D
As some people here have already mentioned, be sure to have at least one Dark type tech to counter Gengar Prime and such (like Honckrow SV, Absol G, etc.). You need to play with your Lost Zone smartly in order to not lose via Lost World.

dmaster out.
Funny story about Absol G. I used Absol G in a Lost-counter deck at leagues, and my opponent used a Lostgar deck. He used Cheerleader's Cheer, and of course the card I drew was Absol G. "Hurl into Darkness!!!". Bye-bye Absol G :'(
Be careful playing with this deck, as lostgar is around here (even vilegar, with a lostgar tech can be annoying). If you play just for fun, do the deck, as it has a lot of possibilities. I don t know, but you can also run in a Umpharos (does it write like this?). You know, power lock.
Its ampharos...but how do you get the damage on the opponent?
