Collecting or Battling

I'd have to say I do a combination of the both. If you play in tournaments you are going to have to do both, because to build decks you need the cards and to get the cards you need to have a collection. However I would have to go under the category of "battling" as you called it, I would much rather go to a tournament than get a box of cards.
I like the battling, but collecting is a lot of fun too. Right now, I'm trying for all the Legends. But I like getting competitive cards as well, like Vileplume. The reason I'll buy a box of UD is because of Vileplume and Houndoom,(Competitive) and the Legends. (Collection)

A little bit of both, that's what I am.
I'm more of a collector, in part due to the fact that as far as I've been able to tell, I have no one to battle in my neck of the woods.
I gave up on competitive TCG about a year ago, (for a number of reasons) so that means I mostly collect nowadays. Right now I'm collecting the Platinum: Arceus set, and I might start in on collecting Undaunted, as well. (I still need to get some Kingdra from Unleashed, though!)

From time-to-time I'll play a theme deck with my younger brother, mostly because that's how we used to play before I discovered the competitive game. I just like going back to my "innocent" days. ;P
Collector, I just like the feeling of pulling holo's or ultra rares out of packs, and the neat artwork. Whenever I buy booster packs, it feels like I'm gambling cuz I might pull a good card, I might not.
I'm more of a player but still like to collect a little, especially if it's Psyducks.
Collector, definitely collector. Although a good battle is always a good way to pass the time!
I definitely like battleing over collecting but from time to time I collect a certain card.
I Currently have 30 city championship Gible promos.:)
I collect. Can't battle. Never could.

My biggest collection would be my Lucario cards and only one is useful >.< [Lucario GL]
I like having all the cards so that I can build random decks just to have fun with at league. But I prefer battling, it makes me think more and it's a lot more fun than just collecting. I lovee going to league because it's so much fun to meet new people who enjoy doing the same thing you do.
Collecting. Don't have someone to battle with, and I'm buying cards for the artwork and the feeling you get when you pull a cool one.