Spent the last few weeks inventorying exactly what cards I had without counting one print of a card I own for every single reprint with the same artwork. Then I bought a bunch of the reprint Trainers to fill my holes and my current standings are:
100% Complete: Jungle, Fossil, Team Rocket, Neo Genesis, Ruby/Sapphire, DP, Mysterious Treasures, Secret Wonders, Legends Awakened, Platinum, Arceus, HGSS, Unleashed, Undaunted, BW, Emerging Powers, Noble Victories
Near Complete - missing <= 5: Base (1), Gym Heroes (1), Gym Challenge (1), Neo Discovery (4), Neo Revelation (5), Sandstorm (2), Dragon (3), Delta Species (4), Legend Maker (5), Holon Phantoms (5), Crystal Guardians (5), Dragon Frontiers (3), Great Encounters (1), Majestic Dawn (3), Stormfront (1), Rising Rivals (2), Supreme Victors (2), Triumphant (2), Next Destinies (3)
Mostly Complete - missing <= 10: Neo Destiny (9), VS (9), Magma VS Aqua (7), Hidden Legends (7), FRLG (8), Deoxys (7), Power Keepers (6)
LOL - missing > 10: Expedition (30 - all holo reprints), Aquapolis (31; 29 holo reprints), Skyridge (36; 29 holo reprints, 1 non-holo reprint), Team Rocket Returns (15), Emerald (13), Unseen Forces (11), Call of Legends (20)