LOL, better than I did. I placed like...4th to last or some crazy stuff like that. XD I just had the WORST luck yesterday. Seriously, it was like...deaddraw to the max. :/ I think I got Claydol out twice during the entire day? My first match was by far the worst. o.X Ugh, the deck did much better at my other states. I came in at 16th there outta like 55 or something like that.
Well, at least I got a Ho-Oh EX and Blaziken P1 for my collections outta it.
And there was lots of massive funness to be had. I gotta prepare for Regionals via Pokemon hats because I neeeeed to make some money.
What hats do you think would sell well guys, because I can do that? ;D Besides the obvious Pikachu.