Pokemon College Humor's Updated Pokérap


Aspiring Trainer
In case you're not familiar, College Humor is a website with original comedy videos made by staff members and also some user-submitted videos.

On Friday, College Humor released an updated version of the Pokérap with 718 of the 721 Pokémon. (They left out Diancie, Volcanion, & Hoopa.) It's 9 minutes long, but it's worth watching the entire video. http://youtu.be/DZQgrtg0uus
I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I quite enjoyed it. All the little things they added for the speaking parts made it more than worth the watch, they added some comedy to it for me.
This was fun and amusing.

Just to be nitpicky, though, I'd have been more impressed if they were all pronounced correctly.
Atadiusti said:
This was fun and amusing.

Just to be nitpicky, though, I'd have been more impressed if they were all pronounced correctly.

There's a pronunciation guide?
I thought most of them were pronounced fairly well actually. Really surprised me in a good way.

It's about time it got an update. +1 to College Humor

dmaster out.
FoxFire said:
Atadiusti said:
This was fun and amusing.

Just to be nitpicky, though, I'd have been more impressed if they were all pronounced correctly.

There's a pronunciation guide?

Well, I'd assume the anime is usually a good guide for pronunciation, but I think about a fair number, about a quarter, maybe, left me wondering if the rapper was just blindly guessing. I'm not going through it again, just to list 'em all, but Shuppet stuck out to me and should have rhymed with "puppet," instead of being pronounced "Shoopit" like "Shoop de Woop" or an old euphemism for sex.
Atadiusti said:
FoxFire said:
There's a pronunciation guide?

Well, I'd assume the anime is usually a good guide for pronunciation, but I think about a fair number, about a quarter, maybe, left me wondering if the rapper was just blindly guessing. I'm not going through it again, just to list 'em all, but Shuppet stuck out to me and should have rhymed with "puppet," instead of being pronounced "Shoopit" like "Shoop de Woop" or an old euphemism for sex.

I've noticed that some players don't really hear how others say the names, and just go with how they think it's said. Also, there's region differences and accents. I've heard Giratina pronounced 3 different ways, and all 3 are technically correct:

How the anime pronounced it: gear - rah - tee - nah.
How I hear some people and my friends say it: ghir - rawh - tin - nah.
How I pronounce it and how I've heard many others say it: gih - rah - tee - nah.

I say it that way because I consider it to be the most correct way to pronounce it, since its english name is just it's japanese name rominized. I see how whichever way one chooses to pronounce a name, it can be a correct way to read it. I've heard people say Pikachu with a short "i", and Arceus' correct pronunciation is apparently ar - key - us, but I never hear anyone say it any other way other than with a soft "c". (It's the only pokemon that I know of that apparently has a set way to say it's name.)
FoxFire said:
Atadiusti said:
This was fun and amusing.

Just to be nitpicky, though, I'd have been more impressed if they were all pronounced correctly.

There's a pronunciation guide?
