Come here for username changes.

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May I have my name changed to Dia? Please?
Dialga X -> Dia -> July 29th, 2008
Thanks in advance.
A couple of you got requests. The rest of you forgot something, and salamence guy can't have his changed for another like, 3 weeks (also has illegal characters).
Hey PMJ!

Well, I finally came to a conclusion.

May I please have my name changed from TearsofanUchiha to TofU? Thanks!

TearsofanUchiha --> TofU

Also, when you are changing my username, you may notice another account under my name titled, LucarioMistress. That's is my little sister. I told Spoon about it, and he said everything is cool.

Thanks in advance! ;]
Everyone got what they wanted, except:

ML - gotta wait

law - gotta wait

Sally dude - < > and perhaps | but I don't know. < > for sure though
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