Come here for username changes.

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O.k. I don't fully under stand the 3-month expiration date, but please can I have my name changed to L, (just L if possible) when I am aloud.
Sorry if I am being an anoying newbie. Thanks for your time.
yo, this is like the 4th time Ive asked;

can I get the S in my name capitalized?

May I get a name change, please?

Current Username: Phoenix_Assassin
Desired Username: Negative Zero

Please, and thank you PMJ!

May I please have my name changed from my current one (Waddle Dee Fanboy) to my old one (Mr. Meep)?

Please and thank you,

Abomasnow - You never specified in your post that you didn't want it immediately changed. Your request looked like everyone else's - how was I supposed to know you did not want an immediate change?

It's the 23rd.

Effective immediately, anyone is eligible for a name change (even if I changed your name recently, even if I changed it today), but only once. After that, you're done forever.
Could you please change my name from Joshua the Shadow Lugia to Photography93. This is because I'm thinking of coming back here from a great absence and now most internet names I have are Photography93 (except for dA).
Thank you in advance.

Thank you for changing my name :)

May I please get my name changed from Kyle64 to Kurama please?

(If Kurama is not available, then Kurama64 will do as well.)

Thank you very much in advance! And have a Merry Christmas as well~
Can i PLEASE have my name changed to


instead of Head Jugde (Misspelled Judge, and would like name to be in capitals)

OK! It's the 23rd!

May I please have my name changed from ShinyMew89

to The Power of Three. Or, if needed, just Power of Three.

Thank you in advanced!

EDIT: And thank you again, afterwards! :p
Merry Christmas!
Hi! Please change my name to:

Shining Raikou

Thanks. Merry Christmas.
Hello. Could you please change my name to Flare? It's my early Pokebeach Christmas present. :D

~PW.... for maybe the last time.
Please change my name to Vergere. Thanks in advance and happy holidays.
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