me: mario
opponent r-gon
result: he had 1 prize left, and i had all 6. i had an active machamp, and a lucario who just got knocked out. machamp had to energy on, and a protective orb (this was played for nats), so i drew my card. attatched an energy, revenged for 70, kiled his 1st flygon ex d, he attacks with another one for 60, (regular) and my turn. play pluspower, and dynamic punch for a heads, knocks out. brings up budew (don't know why) my tunr. dynamic punch. knockout. brings up latios ex d
. no energy
my tunr. pluspower, heads dynamich punch, klls. 1 prize left. i have 10 hp left. he has a flygon d with 2 energy on. if i pull a pluspower, i win. it just so happens, i pulled something better. i windstorm, tae off my orb, put own a strength charm, and another heads for dynamic punch (how lucky was that?) and for the win! (that was the only match i won that day