Coming Back to Pokemon


Aspiring Trainer
Can someone please explain to me Pokemon in it's present day? What deck types are competitive, and what decks aren't what cards are tournament legal and which aren't? I heard A Rumor Proffesor Oak, and Bill are not legal for tournament play? Last time I remember Pokemon had just been started to be printed by nintendo? Can someone please give me an up to date?

Thanks In Advance,

DX-ON is the pop tournament current season start from deoxys ex set to the newest ...that call DX-ON the set above deoxys es set can`t used anymore in the tournament

interested in fire club ? if interested pm me
This thread has pretty good information on decks that are speculated to be competitive when the tournament season kicks off. Reading that would probably be a good idea. The problem is, however, that there is really no way to know what will be good with 100% accuracy, because few decks have actually been through actual competitive play.
fire currently the best is the arcanine ex deck.. but if you want to build a fire deck you need a lot of cash cause is hard to find fire pokemon these day ... so do you interested to join the new fire club of mine since you like fire pokemon ...
Ludicargo? It sometimes is. You get the cards you want, Fast. So, you therefore don't have to wait around until you draw the right things, and cuts the use for drawers and Ball's.
I just Need A Deck to get back in the game and also so only Nintendo Pokemon cards are legal? And also what set does rare candy come in and is it hard to find?
RE:  Coming Back to Pokemon

BlazeEX-Charizard said:
Also What is The Cheapest good deck to make?
Lunasol. Only cost you $20 to make (if you have the trainers...) and won 11-14 in worlds.
Let's see, 4 Solrock, 2 from LM i think and 2 from DX, 4 Lunatone, 3 LM and 1 DX, or the other way round... and i can't remember the trainers, but there were only 8 pokemon.
RE:  Coming Back to Pokemon

m0nster1nc said:
Let's see, 4 Solrock, 2 from LM i think and 2 from DX, 4 Lunatone, 3 LM and 1 DX, or the other way round... and i can't remember the trainers, but there were only 8 pokemon.

ya it is the other way around

get holon engine!!!!