RE: Community Team - Teammate Discussion
I suggest we go DragMag, then add in Scizor because it is arguably one of the best Latios counters, and we need a reliable defense to it because it destroys Dnite,
Scizor (M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Pursuit
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
Because this is a bulky offence, I put 252 EVs into HP, instead of Speed. This is a good ol' CB set otherwise, not much to look at. We COULD also do what SL suggested, doing Rotom as well as Scizor on the team.
Cresselia (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Psyshock
- Ice Beam
- Moonlight
I suggested this set because it is an amazing special bulky sweeper. If we happen to implement DragMag, Cresselia benefits hugely from Steel types being gone as well. Max Defense because you don't actually boost your defense in this set, and and the only thing that is commonly seen that resists Psyshock and Ice Beam is Slowbro, provided we don't count Steel types since Magnezone can take them out. Cress always wins the Calm Mind wars that it can wage with Reuniclus every so often thanks to its boosted up Defense, even if they pack Psyshock. This also comes in handy for killing the occasional Blissey as well.
With the Levitate ability, Cress is able to come in on Ground types that may threaten Magnezone and set up a CM on the switch, hopefully setting up the rest of the sweep. Keep in mind that Cress needs several CMs to even begin sweeping. While she takes a while to set up, the reward is usually a big old W.
Alternate options are Rest over Moonlight, because all the weather that's running around ruins her recovery. Its also a great way to take care of statuses like Toxic, which is common to stop a bulky sweeper like Cress.
I feel as if the team needs two things for it to work; Rapid Spinner to keep Dnite's Multiscale intact, and a Cleric. Who wants their Pokemon ended up burned from a lucky Scald hit for the rest of the match, or having one of the sweepers be poisoned of paralyzed, significantly reducing the possibility of a sweep? I sure don't, so we definitely need a cleric. Is there a Pokemon that can learn both Heal Bell and Rapid Spin? I'm sure there's something out there but I'm a bit too lazy to look.
My vote for weather? Weatherless. This DNite set doesn't need rain to function, and he's the star of our team. If we are building around him, then we shouldn't do something that would detract from the chance of a sweep from him.