Competitive Battling Discussion Of The Week 25


<Pride> I'm my wildest fantasy
Advanced Member
What effect do you think the current unreleased Pokemon (Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect) will have when they are released? What about the handful of unreleased DW abilities, such as Imposter Ditto? How will they be used? Will the metagame change for better or for worst?
Keldeo: HP 91 Atk 72 Def 90 SAtk 129 SDef 90 Spe 108

Keldeo's movepool is very limited. Surf / Hydro Pump, Secret Sword, and Hidden Power are really the only three good special moves it has access to unless you want to use up a turn to use Swords Dance which will let it use Sacred Sword / Close Combat, Stone Edge, and X-Scissor better. I guess HP Ghost would probably be the best way to go if one were to use a special set since it lets it at least damage Jellicent who otherwise walls it completely. In that case, it would also be wise to have Calm Mind to make the most use out of the offensive moves it has. I feel that its combination of speed and power is going to make it be OU, though on the lower end of the tier. Its typing really isn't great defensively either, though offensively it can punch some holes in teams. I don't feel it is going to change the metagame much because while it may threaten Terrakion, it still has a good amount of checks, such as Starmie, Latios, and Latias.

Meloetta Standard Forme: 100 HP 77 Atk 77 Def 128 SAtk 128 SDef 90 Spe
Step Forme: 100 HP 128 Atk 90 Def 77 Satk 77 SDef 128 Spe

Meloetta is very interesting in that it has two formes. The standard forme actually has great potential as a special attacker. It has access to a wide variety of special moves. The one thing it is really lacking is Speed. 90 isn't that impressive anymore with this generation. 90 Speed means it is easily outpaced and can get hit hard by a physical attack. It also will have major problems with Scizor unless it packs HP Fire. I believe CB U-Turn is a OHKO if I'm not mistaken. Even Bullet Punch is going to hurt a significant amount with its 77 Defense. I'm not going to say it will be bad, but it certainly isn't a great Pokemon. It needs to have quite a bit of team support to make it work well. Thunder Wave in particular is someting it appreciates.

Then we have the Step Forme which is unlocked by using Relic Song. It has very high Speed, unlike its normal forme, although neither of its defenses are fantastic. Its very high Attack means that Close Combat will dish out large amounts of damage. It also will hav Stone Edge at its disposal which will take care of flying Pokemon such as Dragonite. It might find some use for Shadow Claw as a means to deal with Jellicent, though it isn't wise to leave it in on it unless the Jellicent has taken quite a bit of damage already.

Overall it will probably be OU with a medium amount of usage.
Meoletta's second forme looks insane, despite the only ok defenses. It's blazing Speed and ridiculous Attack I'm betting is going to make it a very popular Pokemon to use.

Genseect is probably going to be very popular also. With an amazing ability that essentially gives it a chance to have an instant Choice boost with out the choice when it switches in, and very good attacking stats, I can see it becoming very popular. Not to mention it's ridiculous type coverage. I mean, seriously. It gets Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Energy Ball, Bug Buzz (for STAB), and a weaker equivalent of Surf o_O. It's typing also only leaves it with one weakness, and it's defenses are both 95 which is nothing to scoff at. It does have an awkward 99 base speed which leaves it outsped by base 100 speed Pokemon, but considering all of it's strengths it's an extremely good Pokemon.
From playing in the Dream World tier sometimes, the metagame revolves around Genesect. Scarf Genesect is one of the best answers to Latios and Latias. Its like RBY Chansey; first one to lose their Chansey loses the game. The same applies with Genesect. Its a solid special attacker with Life Orb, but its even a better Scarf user. Genesect may go to Uber tier, but once Shadow Tag Chandelure comes out, it'll come back to OU. Genesect's effect on the metagame will be very large.

Tier: OU

Meloetta is really lackluster. Step Form is really the only good thing about it, but its easy to intimidate, thus causing it needing to transform again.

Tier: BL

Keldeo, my favorite out of these guys. Its very scary in rain, as it boasts the strongest Hydro Pump in the tier. Its also very fast. Keldeo is also one of the best answers to stall available, with access to Taunt and Secret Sword. Its a phenomenal "mixed" sweeper, and is something that all teams need to prepare for. Its only countered by Latias, Latios, Jellicent and Celebi.

Tier: OU

Other cool abilities that will have a large effect on the metagame are: Technician Breloom, Imposter Ditto and Shadow Tag Chandelure. When I play in the teamworld tier, Excadrill is legal. Technician Breloom is the best counter to the mole, as it kills it with Mach Punch. Technician Breloom is only really countered by Dragonite, Latias and anything else that resists both of its STABs. Imposter Ditto is the best revenge killer around when it has a Choice Scarf. Shadow Tag Chandelure is like a better Dugtrio.
I absolutely cannot believe my eyes with y'alls comments about Keldeo. I think you're going to be very shocked when it becomes higher tier OU. It has one of the best offensive typings ever, and it doesn't need more than hydro pump, secret sword (or whatever the special fighting move is), and hidden power of your choice (probably ice for dragonite and stuff?), the fourth move pool is /of course/ calm mind.

In my opinion, genesect and keldeo are going to be high tier OU for obvious reasons, not so sure about meloetta.
Latias isn't just easily taking +1 rain boosted Hydro Pumps. Nothing is, for that matter. The most prominent impact of the three might just be kicking Scizor from the top; Genesect is an option vs. it, Keldeo owns it. Rain is going to become even more popular, I'm guessing weather ban supporters will scream louder.
Anything not immune to both of Keldeo's STABs will have some trouble switching in on it. Like previously mentioned, Fighting + Water is an amazing offensive typing, and STAB Focus Blasts and Hydro Pumps in rain coming off of base 129 Special Attack will be doing lots of damage to anything that's not Water Absorb Jellicent.

Genesect is another huge threat, and has potential to become one of the best scarfed revenge killers out there. Download in combination with an amazing movepool, STAB U-turn, great stats and a good defensive typing makes for a sturdy yet hard-hitting Pokémon.

Meloetta, eh. Other than the fact that it'll possibly be able to legally break Sleep Clause, it shouldn't end up affecting the metagame too much.