Rotom-Cut said:I personally think people unestimate the power of Durant. With a good Base 109 Attack and Speed and then a 112 Defense Base stat. He can either abuse Horn Claws and sometimes rip through upprepared teams and also he can be a decent supporter if you use him right with Thunder Wave. He does however has weak Sp.D and HP which also matter in a pokemon thats suppose to be support. Durant has a decent movepool however can also just lay out and die just depends on 2 things. Who he is against, and when you use him and is it the right time too? The two things I listed can be fatal to Durant if you ignore them. If you have +6 Horn Claws Durant v Heatran well I think I have enough power to overun it. NO you don't he reists most attacks Durants carry anway maybe it could do half so what is it really worth sacking your durant to it? And you have to know when to use him you got to know the right time because if your opponent has Scizor, Heatran, Tyranitar left why would you bring in Durant your odds are slim to killing Tyranitar because Heatran completely walls Durant so that is a awful time to through him in their. Now let's say your opponent has Scizor, Tyranitar, Slowbro then yes a pretty darn good time to send him in because he can kill Slowbro and Tyranitar with only 1-2 Horn Claws then Scizor should be a huge problem. Well now I have talked about Durant enough here's the set I have been meaning to give you guys:
Durant @ Leftovers/Life Orb
Hustle - Jolly/Adamant
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Horn Claws
- Thunder Wave / Thunder Fang
- Bug Bite
- Iron Head
Now back to where I was with +6 Horn Claws against Heatran well you could use Thunder Fang if you carry it I haven't bothered to do damage caculations on this though and will let you guys know about how much it would do if it OHKO's or not. My guess is it wouldn't with no STAB and not great base power. I wouldn't suggest building a team around this little guy though because his stats aren't superior and just can't take a special hit. This is my oponion on Durant you can comment and correct on this. I am very willing to learn and am open to learning also. So if you post and talk about what I said wrong then I will listen.
- R-C
Bippa201 said:Gastrodon
With Storm Drain, its a full stop to any Rain team. It will absorb their Surfs and Thunders, and hit back with Storm Drain boosted attacks. You can run Scald to burn, and cover up Gastrodon's weaker defensive stat. It works wonderfully in an anti-weather defensive core with Heatran and Skarmory. Gastrodon is immune to the Water attacks aimed at Heatran, and the Electric moves aimed at Skarmory, while the other two 4x resist Gastrodon's sole grass weakness.