RE: Competitive Discussion of the Week - 12
As someone who loves Hyper Offense teams, I've tried several different leads including many Focus Sash leads like Azelf and Terrakion, as well as other leads like Garchomp and Lopunny. But I really do believe that Klefki is the best for several reasons.
Firstly, Prankster in general is a fantastic ability and Klefki's movepool seriously loves it (there's like 8ish support moves I'd love to run on Klefki). Spikes is obvious and a lot of HO Pokemon love Spikes support, including Bisharp, Talonflame and Lopunny. There are other options as well, such as Thunder Wave (which has had tons of success on Thundurus-I), Toxic (for bulky opponents like Mandibuzz and Hippowdon), Fairy Lock (which works well as a suicide lead for a revenge kill or using something as set-up fodder), Magnet Rise (which allows Klefki to counter Landorus-T, Mega Diancie, Landorus-I, Diggersby, etc), Switcheroo (Lagging Tail against offense, Choice Scarf against stall) and Magic Coat (which allows Klefki to sort of make up for its lack of Taunt against other leads).
Secondly, Prankster means Klefki can have some bulk. With no need to invest in speed, you can invest in bulk to flaunt Klefki's amazing defensive typing (9 resists and 2 immunities (3 with Magnet Rise) and 2 weaknesses (1 with Magnet Rise). Klefki can check threats like Mega Gardevoir, Mega Pinsir, Gengar and many other threats if you opt for Magnet Rise. Klefki doesn't have to be a suicide lead and you can use its typing later on to help your squishy Pokes.
Thirdly, it pressures common Defog users. Latios and Latias hate Prankster TWave. Foul Play+Leftovers can allow Klefki to beat Latias and Latios. Mandibuzz hates Toxic and it can't touch Klefki. That leaves Mega Scizor who rarely runs Defog. This in turn puts less Pressure on Defiant users which is pretty great. In terms of Rapid Spinners, Magnet Rise Klefki can beat Excadrill (Adamant LO Iron Head has a 13% chance to 2HKO max Def Klefki. Jolly can't 2HKO. Foul Play 2HKOs Excadrill after 1 layer of Spikes. Starmie beats Klefki though, but Starmie is the only other relevant spinner in OU. The downside is that you have to choose between beating Lati@s or Excadrill as Klefki doesn't have the defenses to beat both and how you EV train it depends on how well your team can handle them.
And now unrelated to Klefki,
I personally don't bother with hazard removal on my HO teams unless I'm running Tyranitar+Excadrill HO. Rapid Spin is a huge loss of momentum (especially on Scarf Excadrill which is honestly terrible. Starmie doesn't belong on HO either unless it's the Analytic Rapid Spin set) and Defog is an open invitation for Bisharp to sweep your team as little on HO can stand up to +2 Bisharp aside from Keldeo. Scarf Tyranitar is also becoming rather popular and it traps Lati@s which sucks.
Bisharp is a near-staple on HO and for good reason. Normally suicide leads invite Defogers to come and clean your hazards up but teams are rather weak to +2 Bisharp. You could pair Bisharp and Gengar up for a hazard blocking core but Gengar kinda sucks as a Spinblocker considering Excadrill and Starmie both beat it. I've found that Defiant is usually enough and if your able to beat Defoggers and spinners well enough already you can get away without running Bisharp.