Hmmm, maybe it's your personal opinion that you can beat Gardevoir GX/ Sylveon GX, but I just don't see that happening. I'd say considering the rate at which Gardevoir ramps up and their access to prize denial like Accerola while OHKOing you makes that matchup extremely tough if not an out-and-out auto loss. Then there's Golisopod GX/ Garbodor which runs through Lapras. That alone is, in my opinion, reason enough to exclude it from any serious competitive tier list, but you also bring up Bulu, which is a really bad MU for you. They set up faster and miss one Choice Band and Bulu is going to heal off whatever damage you did to it while OHKOing you back. You're also super reliant on items if you play "Patch City" which is Trashvalanche food against Garbodor Variants.