Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

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RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

If you don't have any of the fourth gen games, I don't believe it's possible to breed those moves onto Hydreigon
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Sorry, the only way to get those moves is with the Dark Pulse TM and using the move tutor to get Earth Power onto Garchomp.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

if i have pokemon white on a r4 can i still competitive battle?
can i still go on wifi and trade from a legit pokemon white? or something?
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

You can battle over Wi-Fi, but it is not recommended you go to tournaments. I went to the VCG 2010 and a college kid got arrested for pirating his Soulsilver.

Battling against others outside of the main game, like over Wi-Fi or at tournaments.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Can anybody give me a good set for a bulky/defensive Dragonite?
All I know so far is that I want him to run Physical attacks only and have Dragon Tail and either Aqua Jet or Extremespeed.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

With a bulky Dragonite you won't be using priority. Use something like:

Dragonite @ Leftovers
Multi Scale
252 HP / 40 Def / 216 SpD

Dragon Tail
Fire Punch (FB is better with neutral nature but you wanted all physical)
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Why does everyone run Urgamoth?

Is it solely because of Butterfly dance?

With all the boosts that GF gave phazing this gen, I thought I wouldn't see it at all, considering it takes a painful 50% from SR, and most teams run Sandstorm.

One Roar, Whirlwind, or worse, Dragon Tail, and it's screwed.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Well, BananaCorn, Stealth Rock honestly isn't that big as it was in Generation Four. Powerful Rapid Spinners like Excadrill and Starmie and the loss of Rotom-A make it hard to keep SR up. Volcarona has Quiver Dance, solid stats on the special side, and a typing that gives it resistance to common priority moves (Bullet Punch, Mach Punch and Vacuum Wave) which help it not be revenge killed that easy.

Honestly, if the team Volcarona is on can't handle SR, it's best not to use it. Overall it's a good Pokemon if you can handle SR and you look past the 4x Rock weakness.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Here's a question that has plagued me for quite a while: what happens to tornadus when it holds iron ball or gets hit by gravity, does it become normal? Does its type become ??? With no weaknesses? Please answer me.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Hyperion64 said:
Here's a question that has plagued me for quite a while: what happens to tornadus when it holds iron ball or gets hit by gravity, does it become normal? Does its type become ? With no weaknesses? Please answer me.

It just looses the Ground-type immunity. The typing remains, but the immunity is gone under the effect of Iron Ball/Gravity, making you susceptible to Ground moves.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Hey guys. I've been really out of 5th Gen. I just don't like it as much as I did 4th Gen. But, competitive battling was one of the funnest hobbies I ever had. So, my question is, what's a good way to get introduced to the 5th Gen metagame? I read lots of articles when I started to get into 4th Gen, but unfortunately I haven't found many articles like that, being that 5th Gen is so new. Thanks in advance, and I hope to get good ok at competitive battling again.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Basically, what the means is that you retain all weaknesses associated with the Flying type as well as resistances. Electric and Ice attacks are super effective, and Bug/Grass/Fighting attacks are not very effective. Ground attacks DO hit it though. It's kind of like Bull's Eye on a Ghost type Pokemon, Dark and Ghost are super effective, and Normal and Fighting are not immune.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

response to a post WAY back on the first page..

you Can Not use skill swap on shedinja? since when?
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Hello. I have decided to get into competitive battling now that I have Wi-Fi. I most likley won't be in any tournaments, mostly WiFi, but I need help putting together a team. Please note that I am VERY new to competitive battling, and don't know much about things like movesets, banned pokes, proper training, breeding, ect. I am thinking about using Sawk, or whaever it evolves into for a wifi team, so please give me some info?
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Sawk evolves into Sawsbuck. Which is a rare Grass/Normal type.

Given a respectable attack and speed and the ability Chlorophyll that should work nicely in a Sun team. Given access to Swords Dance & Agility it has a lot of potential. Also, Horn Leech as an attack does lot of damage as well as draining half of the damage. Retaliate is also a very nice move which has STAB to Sawsbuck. However, I don't this in many of it's sets, it has the room for Retaliate. I normally run Swords Dance / Horn Leech / Jump Kick and Wild Charge.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Deerling evolves into Sawsbuck. Sawk is... completely unrelated to them.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Sawk is OK with a Choice Scarf set.

Sawk @ Choice Scarf
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge

This is pretty much the only thing you can do with Sawk, but I saw a cool Counter Reversal set on Smogon, which could work after you have eliminated priority on the other team.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Hey, a question here--more about the people here than competitive battling itself: How popular are triple battles and rotation battles? I noticed little to no discussion of it at all here.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

I don't think Rotation battles are even programmed into Pokemon Online. Triple battles can be done, but happen very rarely.
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