Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

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RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

You could always try a physical set. I personally use a "priority-Stolen" set (Jolly, 252/252 Atk/Spe, WS/SS/Bounce/Uturn). It can deal with a variety of threats, especially Talonflame. Water Shuriken gives it a way to hit talon first (since Jolly base 122 is faster than Adamant base 126)and usually will OHKO from full HP if it hits 4-5 times (and if it fails to OHKO, Talon kills itself with recoil if it was 3+ hits). With SR, it's a guaranteed OHKO (unless they're using a gimmicky set invested in HP+Def). Shadow Sneak can OHKO nearly every ghost and/or psychic threat and also nerfs the predictable Mach Punches aimed at greninja on it's first turn (while WS can nerf Bullet Punches). Bounce acts as a pseudo-protect against stuff like Aegislash, rendering KS a liability and Shadow Sneak useless on the next turn, usually incurrring a NVE Sacred Sword if they don't run Iron Head. Uturn of course is to help keep momentum and can easily OHKO opposing greninja if they lose the speed tie. I usually run Life Orb, but the few times I've run a Razor Fang, the results have not been displeasing as priority multi-hit flinches can cause foolish switches and/or earn handy KOs (though I don't recommend counting on it). Also, this set is handy for taking down or crippling a variety of special walls that come in trying to wall the normal, special/mixed attacker sets.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

What's better for a competitive Tyrantrum? Fire Fang or Ice Fang? Or something else?

Jolly Tyrantrum @ Unknown
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
-Dragon Claw
-Dragon Dance
-Rock Slide
-Ice Fang / Fire Fang / Earthquake
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Poison Fang. Dem fairies.
Also, you don't need dual STAB. The coverage isnt all that great
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Chaos Jackal said:
Individual Values, aka IVs, are a hidden number determining the stats of your Pokemon. Each Pokemon has 6 IVs, one for each stat, and each IV can take a number from 0 to 31. The highest the number, the closest the stat will be to its maximum number. For example, a Pokemon with 100 Base Speed at Level 100 will have 31 points of Speed less if it has 0 instead of 31 IVs in Speed. The IVs of a Pokemon are numbers associated with it and can't be changed, So if you want to reset a Pokemon's IVs, you'll have to catch/breed it again.
Effort Values, aka EVs, determine the stat growth. A Pokemon can have a total of 510 EVs spread across its stats, with the highest number of EVs possible in a stat being 252. At Level 100, every 4 EVs are increasing the stat they're invested in by 1 point, meaning that a Pokemon with 252 EVs in a stat will have 64 more points in that stat than a same Pokemon with 0 EVs. EVs are earned through battle, medicine (e.g. Protein) and Super Training. In Super Training, it's easy to keep track of which and how many EVs a Pokemon gets. Things are a bit different in battle. Whenever you KO a Pokemon, your own Pokemon that scored the KO will gain from 1 to 3 EVs. The amount and kind of EVs depend on the Pokemon-if you KO a Gardevoir, for example, you'll receive 3 Special Attack EVs. Every Pokemon awards a specific set of EVs when defeated. Also, unlike IVs, EVs can be reset. Using the stat-reducing Berries (e.g. Tamato) or a Reset Bag, the Pokemon's EVs decrease, so you are able to train it again and give it the EVs you wish.

Was that what it was? I understood it in different terms! Is there a way to see the IV's?

Also, would this be a good move set for a Xerneas I have?:

Xerneas: Lv.100
Held Item: Power Herb
-Geomancy (To raise stats)
-Moonblast (A STAB fairy type move for Dragon Type Pokemon Like Garchomp - Has proven useful)
-Focus Blast (For steel types)
-Thunderbolt (For those Pokemon like Wailord, and Ho-Oh (Fire/Flying Types)

Oh, and what can I replace for Stone Edge for my Zekrom?

-Fusion Bolt
-Bolt Strike
-Dragon Claw
-??? (Replaced for stone edge)

....and also, what would be a good move set for Arceus? Here are its moves, and the ones with ??? can be replaced

-???Roar Of Time???
-???Spacial Rend???
-???Shadow Force???
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Pretty nice Xerneas moveset. If you find yourself facing down a lot of Kyogre, I'd change Thunderbolt for Thunder. Otherwise, it's perfect.

On the Zekrom, Stone Edge isn't really needed, especially in Ubers where Zekrom is featured. Keep Bolt Strike and Dragon Claw, and I'd suggest using Volt Switch and Outrage with a Choice Scarf or Choice Band held item. You could also go mixed attacking with Focus Blast and Draco Meteor and a Life Orb - it depends on your nature/IVs/EVs/role you want Zekrom to play.

Arceus is one of the most versatile Pokémon. Please specify what type (plate) you want it to be and what role you want it to serve before anyone suggests a moveset. For Normal, the most effective is Extremespeed/Earthquake/Swords Dance/Recover iirc, but again, it's very versatile.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

HoOhLugia said:
Chaos Jackal said:
Individual Values, aka IVs, are a hidden number determining the stats of your Pokemon. Each Pokemon has 6 IVs, one for each stat, and each IV can take a number from 0 to 31. The highest the number, the closest the stat will be to its maximum number. For example, a Pokemon with 100 Base Speed at Level 100 will have 31 points of Speed less if it has 0 instead of 31 IVs in Speed. The IVs of a Pokemon are numbers associated with it and can't be changed, So if you want to reset a Pokemon's IVs, you'll have to catch/breed it again.
Effort Values, aka EVs, determine the stat growth. A Pokemon can have a total of 510 EVs spread across its stats, with the highest number of EVs possible in a stat being 252. At Level 100, every 4 EVs are increasing the stat they're invested in by 1 point, meaning that a Pokemon with 252 EVs in a stat will have 64 more points in that stat than a same Pokemon with 0 EVs. EVs are earned through battle, medicine (e.g. Protein) and Super Training. In Super Training, it's easy to keep track of which and how many EVs a Pokemon gets. Things are a bit different in battle. Whenever you KO a Pokemon, your own Pokemon that scored the KO will gain from 1 to 3 EVs. The amount and kind of EVs depend on the Pokemon-if you KO a Gardevoir, for example, you'll receive 3 Special Attack EVs. Every Pokemon awards a specific set of EVs when defeated. Also, unlike IVs, EVs can be reset. Using the stat-reducing Berries (e.g. Tamato) or a Reset Bag, the Pokemon's EVs decrease, so you are able to train it again and give it the EVs you wish.

Was that what it was? I understood it in different terms! Is there a way to see the IV's?
There ARE ways of directly seeing IVs, bit most involve hacks/cheats/external devices, so I wont directly mention those. What you CAN do is stock up on rare candies and use the IV guy in Kiloude City. The IV guy will list one or more stats, then evaluate the stat(s). If he says they cant be better, then the coresponding stat(s) is/are maxed ot at 31. In any case, the pokemon's highest stat (more if several are tied for highest) is mentioned. In special cases, he will list more stats, with specialized messages for each one. These will be somthing to the effect of "wont leave a scratch" for Atk/Satk, "will leave you high and dry" for Def/Sdef, "wont be going anywhere fast" for Speed, etc. and indicate that the stat(s) has/have a value bottoming out at 0.

Now for where the rare candies come in. Once you have the list of stats from the IV guy, find your pokemon's Hidden Power type in Anistar city (from the same guy who gave you the Hidden Power TM). This will help the IV calculator narrow down possible IV values. Next, save the game (so you can reset to this point later, keeping the rare candies) and enter the current stats of your pokemon into the calculator (preferably when the mon has no EVs), along with the current level (and all the other info you've found thus far, ofc, including the mon's nature). Next, use a few rare candies, and add that to the next set. This can be repeated a couple times until the calculator can tell you for certain what IVs your pokemon has.

On a side note, You might want Flash Cannon on Xerneas, otherwise opposing fairies can pose trouble in some cases. Xerenas generally doesn't switch out once set up just bc the power herb never gets replaced, so countering switch-ins should come first, with Stab being included just bc Dragons. Focus Miss is nice, but Moon Blast/Flash Cannon/Thunder is usually enough to take down at least 2 foes provided you have an answer to their reply to Xerneas (which can be predicted and a counter switched to instead of boosting the first time Xerneas comes out).
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I wouldn't run Flash Cannon on Xerneas to beat faries. Remember that Fairies don't resist fairy. Moonblast will hit them harder, as it is boosted by Fairy Aura and STAB.

+2 252 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sylveon: 250-295 (63.4 - 74.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252 SpA Xerneas Flash Cannon vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sylveon: 212-250 (53.8 - 63.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

For Power Herb Xerneas, I would suggest Moonblast, Focus Blast and Thunder as your offensive moves.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

iSharingan said:
HoOhLugia said:
Was that what it was? I understood it in different terms! Is there a way to see the IV's?
There ARE ways of directly seeing IVs, bit most involve hacks/cheats/external devices, so I wont directly mention those. What you CAN do is stock up on rare candies and use the IV guy in Kiloude City. The IV guy will list one or more stats, then evaluate the stat(s). If he says they cant be better, then the coresponding stat(s) is/are maxed ot at 31. In any case, the pokemon's highest stat (more if several are tied for highest) is mentioned. In special cases, he will list more stats, with specialized messages for each one. These will be somthing to the effect of "wont leave a scratch" for Atk/Satk, "will leave you high and dry" for Def/Sdef, "wont be going anywhere fast" for Speed, etc. and indicate that the stat(s) has/have a value bottoming out at 0.

Now for where the rare candies come in. Once you have the list of stats from the IV guy, find your pokemon's Hidden Power type in Anistar city (from the same guy who gave you the Hidden Power TM). This will help the IV calculator narrow down possible IV values. Next, save the game (so you can reset to this point later, keeping the rare candies) and enter the current stats of your pokemon into the calculator (preferably when the mon has no EVs), along with the current level (and all the other info you've found thus far, ofc, including the mon's nature). Next, use a few rare candies, and add that to the next set. This can be repeated a couple times until the calculator can tell you for certain what IVs your pokemon has.

On a side note, You might want Flash Cannon on Xerneas, otherwise opposing fairies can pose trouble in some cases. Xerenas generally doesn't switch out once set up just bc the power herb never gets replaced, so countering switch-ins should come first, with Stab being included just bc Dragons. Focus Miss is nice, but Moon Blast/Flash Cannon/Thunder is usually enough to take down at least 2 foes provided you have an answer to their reply to Xerneas (which can be predicted and a counter switched to instead of boosting the first time Xerneas comes out).

Oh, okay! I was going to teach my Xerneas Flash Cannon before, but I wondered move would be super-effective in Steel types, and Close Combat would lower Xerneas' Defense and Special defense stats.

Uralya said:
Pretty nice Xerneas moveset. If you find yourself facing down a lot of Kyogre, I'd change Thunderbolt for Thunder. Otherwise, it's perfect.

On the Zekrom, Stone Edge isn't really needed, especially in Ubers where Zekrom is featured. Keep Bolt Strike and Dragon Claw, and I'd suggest using Volt Switch and Outrage with a Choice Scarf or Choice Band held item. You could also go mixed attacking with Focus Blast and Draco Meteor and a Life Orb - it depends on your nature/IVs/EVs/role you want Zekrom to play.

Arceus is one of the most versatile Pokémon. Please specify what type (plate) you want it to be and what role you want it to serve before anyone suggests a moveset. For Normal, the most effective is Extremespeed/Earthquake/Swords Dance/Recover iirc, but again, it's very versatile.

Thank you for the help! I know Stone Edge isn't a very good choice for Zekrom. I'm thinking of keeping Fusion Bolt since it is a signature move of Zekrom.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

HoOhLugia said:
Uralya said:
Pretty nice Xerneas moveset. If you find yourself facing down a lot of Kyogre, I'd change Thunderbolt for Thunder. Otherwise, it's perfect.

On the Zekrom, Stone Edge isn't really needed, especially in Ubers where Zekrom is featured. Keep Bolt Strike and Dragon Claw, and I'd suggest using Volt Switch and Outrage with a Choice Scarf or Choice Band held item. You could also go mixed attacking with Focus Blast and Draco Meteor and a Life Orb - it depends on your nature/IVs/EVs/role you want Zekrom to play.

Arceus is one of the most versatile Pokémon. Please specify what type (plate) you want it to be and what role you want it to serve before anyone suggests a moveset. For Normal, the most effective is Extremespeed/Earthquake/Swords Dance/Recover iirc, but again, it's very versatile.

Thank you for the help! I know Stone Edge isn't a very good choice for Zekrom. I'm thinking of keeping Fusion Bolt since it is a signature move of Zekrom.
Bolt Strike is worth considering as well. While it may not be 100% accurate, it still has base 130 damage and 85% accuracy, both higher than even Thunder (which in turn outclasses Fusion Bolt in power. Under rain, however, Thunder reaches perfect accuracy and also doesn't directly compare as it is a special attack while the other 2 are physical). In general, anything over 75-80% accuracy is considered significantly reliable competitively, and the extra 30 base power could help you get a few KOs you'd otherwise miss.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Coming from an Ubers player: you don't use Fusion Bolt on Zekrom. In Ubers, what matters is power. With STAB, Bolt Strike goes up 45 power compared to Fusion Bolt, and it has a decent chance to paralyze. It outclasses Fusion Bolt in everything bar accuracy, and 85% is high enough that you don't want to replace it.
Xerneas is pretty cool, but again, I would suggest Thunder over ThunderBolt. The main reason for using it is usually Kyogre, and Kyogre has enough of a SpD to sometimes live through ThunderBolt. If you're more concerned for Ho-Oh, I'd say drop the Electric move entirely and go for Rock Slide.
Xerneas is a very strong Pokemon, but it's kinda difficult to use and in the Ubers tier you need to look out for every possible threat, as everything kills you.
On the topic of Arceus, I'd like to know what type of Arceus you wanna run before I suggest anything. To help you, viable Arceus types are Normal, Electric, Water, Steel, Grass and Ghost. Rock and Fairy can be used, but they're a bit gimmicky and only serve specific purposes. Fire is the most gimmicky Arceus you can use, as its sole purpose is to beat Xerneas, and it's outclassed by Ho-Oh at that.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

iSharingan said:
HoOhLugia said:
Thank you for the help! I know Stone Edge isn't a very good choice for Zekrom. I'm thinking of keeping Fusion Bolt since it is a signature move of Zekrom.
Bolt Strike is worth considering as well. While it may not be 100% accurate, it still has base 130 damage and 85% accuracy, both higher than even Thunder (which in turn outclasses Fusion Bolt in power. Under rain, however, Thunder reaches perfect accuracy and also doesn't directly compare as it is a special attack while the other 2 are physical). In general, anything over 75-80% accuracy is considered significantly reliable competitively, and the extra 30 base power could help you get a few KOs you'd otherwise miss.

Well, I know that with rain, Thunder will have a 100% Accuracy, so I may consider what you suggest. Thank you again for the help! Much appreciated!

Chaos Jackal said:
Coming from an Ubers player: you don't use Fusion Bolt on Zekrom. In Ubers, what matters is power. With STAB, Bolt Strike goes up 45 power compared to Fusion Bolt, and it has a decent chance to paralyze. It outclasses Fusion Bolt in everything bar accuracy, and 85% is high enough that you don't want to replace it.
Xerneas is pretty cool, but again, I would suggest Thunder over ThunderBolt. The main reason for using it is usually Kyogre, and Kyogre has enough of a SpD to sometimes live through ThunderBolt. If you're more concerned for Ho-Oh, I'd say drop the Electric move entirely and go for Rock Slide.
Xerneas is a very strong Pokemon, but it's kinda difficult to use and in the Ubers tier you need to look out for every possible threat, as everything kills you.
On the topic of Arceus, I'd like to know what type of Arceus you wanna run before I suggest anything. To help you, viable Arceus types are Normal, Electric, Water, Steel, Grass and Ghost. Rock and Fairy can be used, but they're a bit gimmicky and only serve specific purposes. Fire is the most gimmicky Arceus you can use, as its sole purpose is to beat Xerneas, and it's outclassed by Ho-Oh at that.

I'm thinking of an Arceus that is good against a Mewtwo! Not dark, even though Psystrike has no effect, Aura Sphere would have an advantage. I was thinking maybe ghost or bug.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Don't try Thunder on Zekrom. It's pointless, unless you wanna play Special Zekrom, which is useless, since it can't counter Kyogre, which is Zekrom's purpose.
Bug Arceus isn't very good, so I suggest going with Ghost. A Calm Mind set with Judgment can easily deal with Mewtwo, unless the latter carries Shadow Ball (which means you're facing me and therefore don't have much of a chance anyway:p).
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

HoOhLugia said:
iSharingan said:
Bolt Strike is worth considering as well. While it may not be 100% accurate, it still has base 130 damage and 85% accuracy, both higher than even Thunder (which in turn outclasses Fusion Bolt in power. Under rain, however, Thunder reaches perfect accuracy and also doesn't directly compare as it is a special attack while the other 2 are physical). In general, anything over 75-80% accuracy is considered significantly reliable competitively, and the extra 30 base power could help you get a few KOs you'd otherwise miss.

Well, I know that with rain, Thunder will have a 100% Accuracy, so I may consider what you suggest. Thank you again for the help! Much appreciated!
As Chaos Jackal alluded, you misunderstood. I was recommending Bolt Strike, not Thunder. Zekrom is a physical attacker 99.99% of the time and needs to be to counter specific threats (like Kyogre).
HoOhLugia said:
Chaos Jackal said:
Coming from an Ubers player: you don't use Fusion Bolt on Zekrom. In Ubers, what matters is power. With STAB, Bolt Strike goes up 45 power compared to Fusion Bolt, and it has a decent chance to paralyze. It outclasses Fusion Bolt in everything bar accuracy, and 85% is high enough that you don't want to replace it.
Xerneas is pretty cool, but again, I would suggest Thunder over ThunderBolt. The main reason for using it is usually Kyogre, and Kyogre has enough of a SpD to sometimes live through ThunderBolt. If you're more concerned for Ho-Oh, I'd say drop the Electric move entirely and go for Rock Slide.
Xerneas is a very strong Pokemon, but it's kinda difficult to use and in the Ubers tier you need to look out for every possible threat, as everything kills you.
On the topic of Arceus, I'd like to know what type of Arceus you wanna run before I suggest anything. To help you, viable Arceus types are Normal, Electric, Water, Steel, Grass and Ghost. Rock and Fairy can be used, but they're a bit gimmicky and only serve specific purposes. Fire is the most gimmicky Arceus you can use, as its sole purpose is to beat Xerneas, and it's outclassed by Ho-Oh at that.

I'm thinking of an Arceus that is good against a Mewtwo! Not dark, even though Psystrike has no effect, Aura Sphere would have an advantage. I was thinking maybe ghost or bug.
Actually Arceus-Dark is 3HKOd by Aura Sphere Mewtwo, which means you can 1-2HKO back with Judgement (if the CM set) or Payback (if the support set, which also has a chance to still survive the 3rd Aura sphere).
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Dark Arceus isn't good, as it is easily outclassed by Yveltal in offense and by other Arceus forms in support sets. There's nothing to Dark Arceus that can't be done better by Yveltal or Ghost Arceus.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

For reference for Ghost Arceus:

Calm Mind-

Arceus @ Spooky Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Judgment
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Will-O-Wisp / Focus Blast / Thunder

The final slot is for physical defense by burn, hitting Normal Arceus/Ferrothorn harder, or keeping Kyogre/Yveltal/Ho-Oh in check. Depends on what's a bigger threat to you.


Arceus @ Spooky Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 Spd
Timid Nature
- Judgment
- Recover
- Defog
- Will-O-Wisp

Defog is for hazard clearing and Will-O-Wisp helps Ghost Arceus defend against Normal Arceus. The EVs help against physical attacks (including Mewtwo's Psystrike), and the 112 Spd outspeeds Jolly Garchomp (Base 102).
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Uralya said:
For reference for Ghost Arceus:

Calm Mind-

Arceus @ Spooky Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Judgment
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Will-O-Wisp / Focus Blast / Thunder

The final slot is for physical defense by burn, hitting Normal Arceus/Ferrothorn harder, or keeping Kyogre/Yveltal/Ho-Oh in check. Depends on what's a bigger threat to you.


Arceus @ Spooky Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 Spd
Timid Nature
- Judgment
- Recover
- Defog
- Will-O-Wisp

Defog is for hazard clearing and Will-O-Wisp helps Ghost Arceus defend against Normal Arceus. The EVs help against physical attacks (including Mewtwo's Psystrike), and the 112 Spd outspeeds Jolly Garchomp (Base 102).

Hmm, I see. Thank you! There is no need for worrying about Shadow Ball, and I think I'll be alright with that.

iSharingan said:
HoOhLugia said:
Well, I know that with rain, Thunder will have a 100% Accuracy, so I may consider what you suggest. Thank you again for the help! Much appreciated!
As Chaos Jackal alluded, you misunderstood. I was recommending Bolt Strike, not Thunder. Zekrom is a physical attacker 99.99% of the time and needs to be to counter specific threats (like Kyogre).
HoOhLugia said:
I'm thinking of an Arceus that is good against a Mewtwo! Not dark, even though Psystrike has no effect, Aura Sphere would have an advantage. I was thinking maybe ghost or bug.
Actually Arceus-Dark is 3HKOd by Aura Sphere Mewtwo, which means you can 1-2HKO back with Judgement (if the CM set) or Payback (if the support set, which also has a chance to still survive the 3rd Aura sphere).

Oh, okay. I know Zekrom is a Physical attacker, that's why I got rid of Thunder. And thank you for the help, once again. I would consider your Arceus typing suggestion.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Hey! I in need of a Agislash Moveset, TalonFlame Moveset, Tyranturm Moveset and Pangoro Moveset. The talon and Agislash move sets are pretty common but I'd like to see what people think is better for them :)
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Aegislash w/Stance Change @Leftovers
Quiet Nature-252 SpA, 252 HP, 4 Atk
Shadow Ball
Shadow Sneak
Sacred Sword
King's Shield

Talonflame w/Gale Wings @Choice Band
Adamant Nature-252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4HP
Flare Blitz
Brave Bird

How do you wish to play Tyrantrum? Sweeper or Stealth Rock?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Chaos Jackal said:
Aegislash w/Stance Change @Leftovers
Quiet Nature-252 SpA, 252 HP, 4 Atk
Shadow Ball
Shadow Sneak
Sacred Sword
King's Shield
I think you're better off running 252 EVs in Attack instead of HP. You really want those Shadow Sneaks and Sacred Swords to hit hard

For Pangoro, I would use: Parting Shot, Sky Uppercut, Crunch and Poison Jab on a Choice Scarf set. Parting Shot is the only reason to use Pangoro seriously, so it's best to maximize the chances you get to use it..
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

If you go for Attack EVs, then you may as well change the item to Life Orb. The one I posted is the bulky set, not the wallbreaker.
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