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Completely Updated - Shack of Shenanigans

RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - Need Blaziken FBs for Cities this weekend

PM sent, mewyoshi
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - Need Blaziken FBs for Cities this weekend

Bump #2 for the week
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - Need Blaziken FBs for Cities this weekend

BUMP #3 for the week...
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - Need Blaziken FBs for Cities this weekend

Sorry, Shuckle. I meant to remove them from my list, since they are being traded.
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - Need Blaziken FBs for Cities this weekend

New week, new bump.
RE: Grizzly's New Trade Shack

I actually traded my Infernape E4 Lv. X while at league today, and haven't had a chance to remove it yet. Was there anything else you saw?
RE: Grizzly's New Trade Shack

I have 4 spiritomb (2 leagues) AR's and 2 Vileplume UD.
Do you have any SP staples? (Energy Gains, DCE's, SP Radars, Power Sprays, Cyrus's Conspiracy) I really need those. I have some other wants in my thread.
RE: Grizzly's New Trade Shack

Sorry, Jay. I'm not going to start any new trades. Once my current ones are done(they know who they are with), I'm done trading here.