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Completely Updated - Shack of Shenanigans

RE: Trade Shack of Stuff - NEED JUMPLUFF

I'm not doubting that you're getting more, but your thread says that you currently have 2, which I need to help a friend of mine finish his deck before Saturday.
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff - NEED JUMPLUFF

I'd rather not, cause I really need to get 2 by Saturday
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff - NEED 2 LOST WORLD BY SATURDAY

Only thing I've got from your wants are the Rare Candy and DCE, which are both low wants.
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff - NEED 2 LOST WORLD BY SATURDAY

Sorry for the delayed reply. Looks like I confused the set symbol - I have Ruby Saphire water energy, not emerald. Its got a tiny scuffed spot in the bottom left, but otherwise no bends or anything.
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff - NEED 2 LOST WORLD BY SATURDAY

HI! I need Expert Belt x3 (LP) and Warp Point x3 (RH or LP). I have 2 Lost Worlds. LMK what we can do.
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff - NEED 2 LOST WORLD BY SATURDAY

Sorry, Techdeck. I didn't see anything else I could use to help balance it out.
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff - WANTS STUFF

Please CML for your:
UL Larvitar RH (is this the MTN Eater?)
RR Leafeon RH
GS Hoppip (RH)
SW Murkrow x4 (3 RH)
Lanturn Prime
AR Spiritomb x1 LP

I have a coupla Rare Candy, a Blaziken PL, Ursaring MT NH & an Ursaring UL RH from your Wants. Please LMK what you may be interested in, thanks!
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff - WANTS STUFF

UL Larvitar RH (is this the MTN Eater?) - Not mountain eater
RR Leafeon RH - Don't know why it's not in my binder. Guess I traded it without realizing it
GS Hoppip (RH) - It's in my deck, forgot to remove it.
SW Murkrow x4 (3 RH) - Have
Lanturn Prime - Traded at Regionals, forgot to remove
AR Spiritomb x1 LP - Have

I have Blaziken PT, and both of those Ursaring.
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff - WANTS STUFF

I also have Blaziken GE RH Mint, Blaziken ex-HP x2 (1x Edgewear), Blaziken GE Holo (Edgewear).

Do you need any of those?
