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Completely Updated - Shack of Shenanigans

RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Sorry, Hybrid. I don't have Garchomp C or Garchomp C Lv X.

Javier, I really like your Palkia G Lv X and a Palkia G. Would you also trade a Ursaring Prime, and a Lugia Legend butt?
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

CML, and tell me if you like anything on there and I will make you an offer :)
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Grizzly said:
Sorry, Hybrid. I don't have Garchomp C or Garchomp C Lv X.

Javier, I really like your Palkia G Lv X and a Palkia G. Would you also trade a Ursaring Prime, and a Lugia Legend butt?
so far all of those are up for rades.
pm me
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

CML for these...

HSU Lucario
Player Rewards Lightning Energy
PK Lightning Energy x1
AR Spiritomb
Floatzel GL Lvl X
Suicune/Entei LEGEND Top HIGH WANT!!
Felicity’s Drawing (x8 League Promo)
and the first 5 old cards
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL


1x Player Rewards Lightning Enegy
1x Player Rewards Metal Energy
1x Jumpluff HGSS (RH)
1x Hoppip HGSS (RH)

3x Double Colorless Energy (HGSS)
1x Nidoqueen RR
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Lv63X - I really like your Time-Space Distortion, and your Empoleon and Infernape Lvl Xs. Gliscor and Mewtwo X also jumped out at me. lol Also, Lvl63X, I only have 5 of the Felicity's Drawings. But I can easily get some more. I put three in a deck the other day, and have yet to take them out.

Tyler - Granted, I do need the DCEs, I really don't want to get rid of my Hoppip or Jumpluff, cause I'm working on building a second Jumpluff deck. It's confusing and person, but still.
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Please cml for Suicune/Entei LEGEND Top and Honchcrow Lv. X thanks!
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Aphotic, I really like your Uxie LvX. Was there anything else you wanted? And you are aware that Honchkrow LvX is in Japanese, right?
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Grizzly said:
Lv63X - I really like your Time-Space Distortion, and your Empoleon and Infernape Lvl Xs. Gliscor and Mewtwo X also jumped out at me. lol Also, Lvl63X, I only have 5 of the Felicity's Drawings. But I can easily get some more. I put three in a deck the other day, and have yet to take them out.

Tyler - Granted, I do need the DCEs, I really don't want to get rid of my Hoppip or Jumpluff, cause I'm working on building a second Jumpluff deck. It's confusing and person, but still.

ok how about this


Empoleon Lv X (non promo has a crease and some edge wear, but not horrible)
Empoleon Lv X promo

Floatzel Gl lv X
4felicities drawings,

LMK i wont trade the mewtwo TDS and gliscor for little, and infernape is decked
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Lv63X - Sorry, no deal dude. Floatzel GL LvX is worth more than the Empoleon alone.

Rummage - Deal. PM to finalize
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Sorry, Hybrid. Didn't really see anything I needed.
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Grizzly said:
Lv63X - Sorry, no deal dude. Floatzel GL LvX is worth more than the Empoleon alone.

Rummage - Deal. PM to finalize
alright can u giv me an offer?
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

I really want your Time-Space Distortion. And that is about equal to Floatzel GL LvX.
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Grizzly said:
I really want your Time-Space Distortion. And that is about equal to Floatzel GL LvX.
i know, but i amtrying to collect 1 of every lv x and i consider it one and i only got one
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Well, if you don't want to trade something, you shouldn't have it on your trade list. Otherwise, people will want to trade for it. Cause I really want to it to add to my collection of stuff and possibly use it in a deck at some point.
RE: Grizzly's Forest of Fun - HUGE OVERHAUL

Grizzly said:
Aphotic, I really like your Uxie LvX. Was there anything else you wanted? And you are aware that Honchkrow LvX is in Japanese, right?

There's nothing else really. Is there anything else you're looking for?