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Completely Updated - Shack of Shenanigans

RE: Trade Shack of Stuff

im interested kn ur maganium prime promo

and if ur feraligator prime is pack then im interested in that one too can u


sorry for no trade link its cuz i barly joined and havnt done everything yet
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff

braves, get me a link to your trade thread so I can check it. The Feraligatr Prime is, indeed, a pack. Eriq, other than the Blaziken FB, I didn't really see anything that jumped out at me. However, I could sell you some Spiritombs if you're interested. If so, head on over to my sale thread.
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff

CML for Feraligatr, and Lantern prime. I know for a fact I have a Blaziken holo from emerald to add with the other cards I have from your wants. Please take a look! :D
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff

Eriq, can you throw in a Rare Candy? If so, you have a deal.

BBrad, I saw Uxie. Could you do the Gatr and Lanturn for Blaziken and Uxie? LMK or counter
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff

Poke Turn non-holo

RH Poke Turn

I have Rare Candies and I could probably find some Blazikens for you.
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff

If you can find some Blazikens, let me know and then we can start working something out.
RE: Trade Shack of Stuff

yea but i wnt be able to until later today because ive been using the internet off my phone but if u want to CML my trade is "1st time trader here"