Concern with the Direction of the Game Thus Far (Again...)

First off, most of the EXes are pretty bad, the only ones that would see play imo would be Mewtwo, Regigigas, and maybe Groudon. Weaknesses really hurt them a lot, and even if they don't get OHKOed they still drop 2 prizes when defeated and tend to take a lot of energy to attack, so they will eb manageable. If youa re that worried about Eviolite, there is a Weavile in PD or HB (I forget which) which does 90 for 1 darkness energy if the opponent has a Pokemon tool, so that will help a lot. As for before we get an english PD/HB set, yeah that will make Reshiphlosion and Zekrom pretty good (Tornadus too), but they would not be unstoppable.
Dark Void said:
If Catcher is so broken and ruins Pokemon that have to set up, how come Magneboar, a deck with two stage twos that most people thought was bad before catcher is still viable afterwards? Catcher does not need to be limited to one card because it is no where near as good as Luxury Ball. As for how people got past it, there was a card back then that is still out now, believe it or not: switch. Switch+Twins allows you to get around catcher no problem. If they catcher something weak and KO it, you can use Twins to get the upper hand. If they catcher something bulky and don't KO it yet, just switch out of there. Or, you could retreat, or simply not play down Pokemon that you don't plan on attacking with. I've never seen Catcher even be a turning point in any of my matches. It is 100% a positive addition to the metagame, removing reversal flips and lessening the impact of baby flips.
I agree with everything, but what I bolded. Multiple times I have seen catcher bring up the most important Pokemon like Emboar or Typhlosion. From that the deck that used catcher won. Just saying.
Glesipher said:
It wasn't meant to increase the amount of people playing, but only decrease the amount of the same deck in tournaments.

Your idea is rubbish. DarkVoid already stated all the reasons as to why is it stupid, ridiculous and it will show Pokemon's disrespect towards its players. Two people may play the same deck concept for let's say "TyRam" but the people controlling it are different. One is more skilled than the other, one could add a few tech cards compared to the other. One could run a more consistent and less techier list. It's just the concept that's the same, the originality lies in how will you take that same concept and turn it unique in your own style through the supporter lines and techs. Now Glesipher, please stop whining about how many "same decks" there are because this format has been more diverse than before. If you actually played during the "HP-on" era, you would be seeing half the field playing the same deck and that isn't being sarcastic but then they differed in techs so at least they still made it "unique"

I have a feeling that Rocky Helmet will compete with Eviolite for deck space simply because of the Gothitelle matchup. Zekrom can eviolite all he wants but if he's facing Goth, he will still lose unless it's equipped with Rocky Helmet.
Dark Void said:
First off, most of the EXes are pretty bad, the only ones that would see play imo would be Mewtwo, Regigigas, and maybe Groudon. Weaknesses really hurt them a lot, and even if they don't get OHKOed they still drop 2 prizes when defeated and tend to take a lot of energy to attack, so they will eb manageable. If youa re that worried about Eviolite, there is a Weavile in PD or HB (I forget which) which does 90 for 1 darkness energy if the opponent has a Pokemon tool, so that will help a lot. As for before we get an english PokéBeach/HB set, yeah that will make Reshiphlosion and Zekrom pretty good (Tornadus too), but they would not be unstoppable.

I think Shaymin ex has potential and so does Kyogre ex, but other than that I don't see Groudon ex doing that well. About the Weavile you do realize that it's going to be cut in Noble Victories right? Meaning we will have to wait another set for it to be released. I don't know why TPCi and P!P cuts cards out of each set but it's getting really annoying, it was reasonable with Catcher but now there's just no excuse to be doing it anymore.

PokeBeach/HB Set? There's no such thing dude. TPCi and P!P are the one's that design the cards in Japan and distribute and translate them here in the U.S. as well as other countries around the world, namely in Europe. Like J-Wittz has said before there is still a disconnect between Japan and the U.S. in terms of the way the Pokemon TCG is ran nowadays, the game has the potential to be as big as Magic: The Gathering however it hasn't yet.
Ex's aren't going to be in Noble Victories either, the next release is going to be our equivalent of Red Collection
I typed in P"B" accidentaly instead of PD and it auto-changed it to Pokebeach. Anyway, look. I said Eviolite will be a problem before Weavile gets released in America. Since Eviolite is coming out in NV, that means I am saying Weavile will not be released in NV (few if any PD/HB Pokemon will be released in NV, I thought everyone knew that already).
You said in one thread that Eviolite isn't going to be a problem but in this one
you said it will be until the new Weavile is released. Are you trying to contradict yourself? :/

If anything, Eviolite is going to make Zoroark less playable but it still has it's uses against RDL I'll admit though. To think the versatility of one card could be ruined by another that requires you to do more damage that you're not able to unless you use other cards.
Dark Void said:
As for before we get an english PD/HB set, yeah that will make Reshiphlosion and Zekrom pretty good (Tornadus too), but they would not be unstoppable.
Dark Void said:
Anyway, unlike you theorymoning, Japan has actually played extensively with Eviolite, so if they don't deem it broken then chances are they are right.

Those statements do not contradict each other. In one I said it would make some cards good, but they wouldn't be unstoppable. In the other, I said players who have played with it don't deem in broken. Those statements do not contradict each other, in fact the opposite is true. Anyway, something you don't seem to realize is that Reshiram decks won't always have 4 Eviolite simply because the most important part of the deck is consistency, and Eviolite is a dead draw in terms of consistency. And for Zekrom, if it uses Bolt Strike with an Eviolite attached, it takes 1 PlusPower for enemy Zekrom, Reshiram, Donphan, or Zoroark from OHKOIng back and PlusPower can be Junk Armed while Eviolite can't, so it shouldn't be too broken.
My only concern is that Zoroark won't be able to KO Reshiram or Zekrom anymore with Foul Play If they have Eviolite attached. It would take 2-3 PlusPowers for the KO or do 150 damage which Zoroark isn't able to, only whatever amount it can copy with Foul Play.
Card Slinger J said:
My only concern is that Zoroark won't be able to KO Reshiram or Zekrom anymore with Foul Play If they have Eviolite attached. It would take 2-3 PlusPowers for the KO or do 150 damage which Zoroark isn't able to, only whatever amount it can copy with Foul Play.

Rocky Helmet will compete with a deck slot versus Eviolite because of Gothitelle. Trust me.

A ZPST with 4 eviolites would still lose to gothitelle no questions asked. (barring the three turn pressure though)