Discussion Confirmed Fake Rumor Catalog - Sun & Moon Edition [Games Out!]

I love final Rowlet and Popplio and I have no problem with male Entermaid being Sirens. But Litten's evo is just ugh... I mean, that could work if we didn't have something like Emboar, who goes through a similar transformation. But felines are agile, furtive predators, so it's hard for me to grasp why would they turn it into a big, bulk wrestler. I'm not even talking about typing here, just the overall build and stance of it. I honestly think GF tried to use a curveball with its design, and that they failed horribly. I deeply hope they go with alternate evos this time around, so that more people like at least 1 design for each starter.

Funny enough, I don't see anyone complaining that Litten's final evolution looks totally male-ish like people do with Popplio's. Food for thought I guess.
Funny enough, I don't see anyone complaining that Litten's final evolution looks totally male-ish like people do with Popplio's. Food for thought I guess.
I guess because more people can accept a female looking masculine than a male looking feminine.

I'm probably going to refer to Litten's evo as "Peg Leg Pete" since he's also a thuggish, bulky cat.
Funny enough, I don't see anyone complaining that Litten's final evolution looks totally male-ish like people do with Popplio's. Food for thought I guess.

I don't see what there is to complain about or though should it be the case I would prefer a female of Popplio sr based on its appearance. But that being said a lot of pokemon look like they suit one gender over the other. I prefer having a female Malamar for example.
So a new "leak" just hit 4chan today and according to the leaker it's the all the new 7th gen mons. Since they just posted a list I just c/p'd it since I don't want to go through so many imgur links.

722 Rowlet (GRASS/FLYING)
723 Archoot (GRASS/FLYING)
724 Robinroot (GRASS/VARIOUS)

725 Litten (FIRE)
726 Pantherm (FIRE)
727 Beltigre (FIRE/VARIOUS)

728 Popplio (WATER)
729 Sirilio (WATER)
730 Sirene (WATER/VARIOUS)

731 Pikipek (NORMAL/FLYING)
732 Plukipek (NORMAL/FLYING)
733 Lumbird (GRASS/FLYING)

734 Yungoos (NORMAL)
735 Gumshoos (NORMAL)

736 Grubbin (BUG)
737 Charjabug (BUG/ELECTRIC)
738 Vikavolt (BUG/ELECTRIC)

739 Rockruff (ROCK)

741 Bounsweet (GRASS)
742 Bountisteen (GRASS/PSYCHIC)
743 Bounsour (POISON)

744 Oricorio (FR-EL-PS-GO/FLYING)

745 Pawssum (DARK)
746 Possumime (DARK)

747 Comfey (FAIRY)
748 Leirie (FAIRY)

749 Cutiefly (BUG/FAIRY)
750 Adorasite (BUG/FAIRY)

751 Quakitt (NORMAL/FLYING)
752 Bonéné (FAIRY/FLYING)


754 Komala (NORMAL)
755 Dormala (NORMAL/PSYCHIC)

756 Bruxby (WATER/PSYCHIC)
757 Bruxish (WATER/PSYCHIC)

759 Peskool (WATER/PSYCHIC)

760 Mudbray (GROUND)
761 Mudsdale (GROUND)

762 Minior (ROCK/FLYING)
763 Mightior (ROCK/FLYING)

764 Darline (NORMAL/VARIOUS)
765 Darwisker (NORMAL/VARIOUS)

766 Caterburr (BUG/ICE)
767 Parkoon (BUG/ICE)
768 Flycicle (BUG/ICE)
769 Hijakoon (BUG/DARK)

770 Snohom (ICE/GHOST)
771 Snorror (ICE/GHOST)

772 Delfin (WATER)
773 Porprise (WATER/VARIOUS)

774 Cumbersum (WATER)
775 Anenemie (WATER/POISON)

776 Mimikkyu (GHOST/FAIRY)

777 Togedemaru (ELECTRIC/STEEL)

778 Softle (GROUND)
779 Panquake (GROUND/DARK)

780 Shrimpod (BUG)
781 Wimpod (BUG/WATER)
782 Champod (BUG/WATER)

783 Goruggla (FIGHTING/GROUND)

784 Drakid (NORMAL/DRAGON)
785 Drampa (NORMAL/DRAGON)

786 Lumage (PSYCHIC)
787 Laspell (PSYCHIC)
788 Libraid (PSYCHIC)

789 Fiddlob (STEEL/WATER)
790 Caluca (STEEL/WATER)

791 Badpole (POISON)
792 Salandit (POISON/FIRE)
793 Swindlewt (POISON/FIRE)

794 Germik (GRASS)
795 Peppire (GRASS/FIRE)
796 Triburn (GRASS/FIRE)

797 Fomantis (GRASS)
798 Lurantis (GRASS)

799 Fungkie (POISON/FAIRY)
800 Hallucid (POISON/FAIRY)

801 Cubbadge (FIGHTING)
802 Meritote (FIGHTING)
803 Stalute (FIGHTING/STEEL)

804 Hydratom (NORMAL/WATER)
805 Posatom (FIRE/WATER)
806 Negatom (ELECTRIC/WATER)

807 Scruluse (STEEL)
808 Structor (STEEL)

809 Crypti (ICE/FIGHTING)

810 Dustrance (FAIRY/GROUND)

811 Guardrake (DRAGON)
812 Guaroyal (DRAGON)
813 Torgoyle (DRAGON/FIGHTING)
814 Forgoyle (DRAGON/STEEL)

815 Cosmot (DARK/ELECTRIC)
816 Spectrodon (DARK/ELECTRIC)
817 Quasaur (DARK/ELECTRIC)

818 Tapu Koko (ELECTRIC/FAIRY)
819 Tapu Pipi (FIRE/FAIRY)
820 Tapu Poloka (PSYCHIC/FAIRY)
821 Tapu Mano (GHOST/FAIRY)

822 Solgaleo (PSYCHIC/STEEL)
823 Lunala (PSYCHIC/GHOST)
824 Malshadow (DARK/FIRE)

825 Magearna (STEEL/FAIRY)

I'm kind of surprised by the sheer amount of dual types, which is what makes me lean more towards the side of these being fake, but after those Chinese leaks I can't really say anymore. I am very curious at what the "various" could exactly mean, and seems like something that wouldn't make sense for a starter of all things. Thoughts?

Edit: Here's an update from the OP of the "leak" (this makes me give it less credibility tbh)


Edit 2: This will basically be confirmed or debunked on August 12th/possibly earlier when CoroCoro leaks when we get a shipment of new mons
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So a new "leak" just hit 4chan today and according to the leaker it's the all the new 7th gen mons. Since they just posted a list I just c/p'd it since I don't want to go through so many imgur links.

722 Rowlet (GRASS/FLYING)
723 Archoot (GRASS/FLYING)
724 Robinroot (GRASS/VARIOUS)

725 Litten (FIRE)
726 Pantherm (FIRE)
727 Beltigre (FIRE/VARIOUS)

728 Popplio (WATER)
729 Sirilio (WATER)
730 Sirene (WATER/VARIOUS)

731 Pikipek (NORMAL/FLYING)
732 Plukipek (NORMAL/FLYING)
733 Lumbird (GRASS/FLYING)

734 Yungoos (NORMAL)
735 Gumshoos (NORMAL)

736 Grubbin (BUG)
737 Charjabug (BUG/ELECTRIC)
738 Vikavolt (BUG/ELECTRIC)

739 Rockruff (ROCK)

741 Bounsweet (GRASS)
742 Bountisteen (GRASS/PSYCHIC)
743 Bounsour (POISON)

744 Oricorio (FR-EL-PS-GO/FLYING)

745 Pawssum (DARK)
746 Possumime (DARK)

747 Comfey (FAIRY)
748 Leirie (FAIRY)

749 Cutiefly (BUG/FAIRY)
750 Adorasite (BUG/FAIRY)

751 Quakitt (NORMAL/FLYING)
752 Bonéné (FAIRY/FLYING)


754 Komala (NORMAL)
755 Dormala (NORMAL/PSYCHIC)

756 Bruxby (WATER/PSYCHIC)
757 Bruxish (WATER/PSYCHIC)

759 Peskool (WATER/PSYCHIC)

760 Mudbray (GROUND)
761 Mudsdale (GROUND)

762 Minior (ROCK/FLYING)
763 Mightior (ROCK/FLYING)

764 Darline (NORMAL/VARIOUS)
765 Darwisker (NORMAL/VARIOUS)

766 Caterburr (BUG/ICE)
767 Parkoon (BUG/ICE)
768 Flycicle (BUG/ICE)
769 Hijakoon (BUG/DARK)

770 Snohom (ICE/GHOST)
771 Snorror (ICE/GHOST)

772 Delfin (WATER)
773 Porprise (WATER/VARIOUS)

774 Cumbersum (WATER)
775 Anenemie (WATER/POISON)

776 Mimikkyu (GHOST/FAIRY)

777 Togedemaru (ELECTRIC/STEEL)

778 Softle (GROUND)
779 Panquake (GROUND/DARK)

780 Shrimpod (BUG)
781 Wimpod (BUG/WATER)
782 Champod (BUG/WATER)

783 Goruggla (FIGHTING/GROUND)

784 Drakid (NORMAL/DRAGON)
785 Drampa (NORMAL/DRAGON)

786 Lumage (PSYCHIC)
787 Laspell (PSYCHIC)
788 Libraid (PSYCHIC)

789 Fiddlob (STEEL/WATER)
790 Caluca (STEEL/WATER)

791 Badpole (POISON)
792 Salandit (POISON/FIRE)
793 Swindlewt (POISON/FIRE)

794 Germik (GRASS)
795 Peppire (GRASS/FIRE)
796 Triburn (GRASS/FIRE)

797 Fomantis (GRASS)
798 Lurantis (GRASS)

799 Fungkie (POISON/FAIRY)
800 Hallucid (POISON/FAIRY)

801 Cubbadge (FIGHTING)
802 Meritote (FIGHTING)
803 Stalute (FIGHTING/STEEL)

804 Hydratom (NORMAL/WATER)
805 Posatom (FIRE/WATER)
806 Negatom (ELECTRIC/WATER)

807 Scruluse (STEEL)
808 Structor (STEEL)

809 Crypti (ICE/FIGHTING)

810 Dustrance (FAIRY/GROUND)

811 Guardrake (DRAGON)
812 Guaroyal (DRAGON)
813 Torgoyle (DRAGON/FIGHTING)
814 Forgoyle (DRAGON/STEEL)

815 Cosmot (DARK/ELECTRIC)
816 Spectrodon (DARK/ELECTRIC)
817 Quasaur (DARK/ELECTRIC)

818 Tapu Koko (ELECTRIC/FAIRY)
819 Tapu Pipi (FIRE/FAIRY)
820 Tapu Poloka (PSYCHIC/FAIRY)
821 Tapu Mano (GHOST/FAIRY)

822 Solgaleo (PSYCHIC/STEEL)
823 Lunala (PSYCHIC/GHOST)
824 Malshadow (DARK/FIRE)

825 Magearna (STEEL/FAIRY)

I'm kind of surprised by the sheer amount of dual types, which is what makes me lean more towards the side of these being fake, but after those Chinese leaks I can't really say anymore. I am very curious at what the "various" could exactly mean, and seems like something that wouldn't make sense for a starter of all things. Thoughts?

Some of them make some sense (Mightior, Drakid). Others seem fairly uninteresting (Sirene? nothing else? "hey, here's a siren, nothing more." Even "Entermaid" was better than that), while others are just baffling or sound like bad fakemon (Delfin? seriously? the spanish word for dolphin? That's like naming your dog "Dog"; I don't care if there's a pun with the language shift, that's simply not something you do. Crypti? Durstrance? Hydratom? Posatom? Negatom?). Some others, however...


No, just... no. Not even GF on its tenth generation would stoop to such lows.

I'm inclined to think this is just someone getting bored and deciding to have some fun with puns. No one ever would approve of something called "Panquake".

Oh, yes, and all the "VARIOUS" typings are extremely suspect, since they list oricorio, who should by all accounts be "VARIOUS", but not the rest; if you knew the names and most types, why wouldn't you specify all the type-changing pokemon?
Also, look how it seems to conveniently confirm several still-unproven leaks; the starter evolutions, the dolphin, the werewolf, the ghost snowman, etc.
Almost certainly fake. There are only 6 Pokémon there with no evolutionary relatives, out of 103. I just don't think that's at all likely, even though GF does like having evolutions for their Pokémon.

And then light ninja'd me with far superior analysis. Thanks for that. :p
Almost certainly fake. There are only 6 Pokémon there with no evolutionary relatives, out of 103. I just don't think that's at all likely, even though GF does like having evolutions for their Pokémon.

And then light ninja'd me with far superior analysis. Thanks for that. :p

Sorry, I simply couldn't resist.

I mean, it has a pokemon named Panquake.
The names also had me suspicious, but it wouldn't be the first time we've had meh/bad names (Talonflame anyone?)

That aside, if Panquake is real it's instantly going on my team and dominating everyone. I just love a bad pun every once in a while.

PPS: Panquake is also literally Stunfisk
Some of them make some sense (Mightior, Drakid). Others seem fairly uninteresting (Sirene? nothing else? "hey, here's a siren, nothing more." Even "Entermaid" was better than that), while others are just baffling or sound like bad fakemon (Delfin? seriously? the spanish word for dolphin? That's like naming your dog "Dog"; I don't care if there's a pun with the language shift, that's simply not something you do. Crypti? Durstrance? Hydratom? Posatom? Negatom?). Some others, however...


No, just... no. Not even GF on its tenth generation would stoop to such lows.

I'm inclined to think this is just someone getting bored and deciding to have some fun with puns. No one ever would approve of something called "Panquake".

Oh, yes, and all the "VARIOUS" typings are extremely suspect, since they list oricorio, who should by all accounts be "VARIOUS", but not the rest; if you knew the names and most types, why wouldn't you specify all the type-changing pokemon?
Also, look how it seems to conveniently confirm several still-unproven leaks; the starter evolutions, the dolphin, the werewolf, the ghost snowman, etc.

Just gonna play devil's advocate here for the sake of discussion....

I don't think Panquake is that big of a reach considering this is the same company that created a 3 stage Icecream cone line. As for the name, say what you want, I don't think its that far-fetched. GF has never been consistent with names, particularly the last few gens, so them using a cheesy pun as a name wouldn't surprise me. Plus, its hard to say how bad a name is until actually seeing the pokemon. Think about some of the names this gen already: Vikavolt, Charjabug, Bruxish. If someone a year ago told me those were pokemon names, I probably would have had the same reaction you did.

Some of the names you mention actually do make sense though. Think about Hydratom/Posatom/Negatom. If this is indeed a fake leak, the guy was at least clever. Hydratom is likely based on water molecules and atoms. Posatom would be representative of a positively charged atoms, where as Negatom would be a negatively charged atoms. So hypothetically, Hydratom could evolve into the fire/water Posatom if it somehow gained a "positive charge", or it could evolve into the electric/water Negatom if it acquired a "negative charge".

As for the VARIOUS typings, the "leaker" does clarify the types in a later post. Although this makes me suspicious, if the starter's stage 3 do in fact have mutiple types, and they in fact are the same pokemon as the "leaked" concept art, why are there concept art for a single type? Why would only one type combination from each mon get leaked if there were 4 options for each one?

There is an interesting relation between Oricorio's typing and the Tapu guardian's typings. The guardian's primary typing match the potential primary type for Oricorio. So, hypothetically, you'd find Fire/Flying Oricorio on the same island as the fire Tapu, while you'd find the ghost Oricorio on the same island as the ghost Tapu.

Anyway, sorry for the wall, definitely an interesting list though. I guess we'll find out if its real or not on the 12th.
What do you all think of this leak???
I personally believe it.

722 Rowlet (GRASS/FLYING)
723 Archoot (GRASS/FLYING)
724 Robinroot (GRASS/VARIOUS)

725 Litten (FIRE)
726 Pantherm (FIRE)
727 Beltigre (FIRE/VARIOUS)

728 Popplio (WATER)
729 Sirilio (WATER)
730 Sirene (WATER/VARIOUS)

731 Pikipek (NORMAL/FLYING)
732 Plukipek (NORMAL/FLYING)
733 Lumbird (GRASS/FLYING)

734 Yungoos (NORMAL)
735 Gumshoos (NORMAL)

736 Grubbin (BUG)
737 Charjabug (BUG/ELECTRIC)
738 Vikavolt (BUG/ELECTRIC)

739 Rockruff (ROCK)

741 Bounsweet (GRASS)
742 Bountisteen (GRASS/PSYCHIC)
743 Bounsour (POISON)

744 Oricorio (FR-EL-PS-GO/FLYING)

745 Pawssum (DARK)
746 Possumime (DARK)

747 Comfey (FAIRY)
748 Leirie (FAIRY)

749 Cutiefly (BUG/FAIRY)
750 Adorasite (BUG/FAIRY)

751 Quakitt (NORMAL/FLYING)
752 Bonéné (FAIRY/FLYING)


754 Komala (NORMAL)
755 Dormala (NORMAL/PSYCHIC)

756 Bruxby (WATER/PSYCHIC)
757 Bruxish (WATER/PSYCHIC)

759 Peskool (WATER/PSYCHIC)

760 Mudbray (GROUND)
761 Mudsdale (GROUND)

762 Minior (ROCK/FLYING)
763 Mightior (ROCK/FLYING)

764 Darline (NORMAL/VARIOUS)
765 Darwisker (NORMAL/VARIOUS)

766 Caterburr (BUG/ICE)
767 Parkoon (BUG/ICE)
768 Flycicle (BUG/ICE)
769 Hijakoon (BUG/DARK)

770 Snohom (ICE/GHOST)
771 Snorror (ICE/GHOST)

772 Delfin (WATER)
773 Porprise (WATER/VARIOUS)

774 Cumbersum (WATER)
775 Anenemie (WATER/POISON)

776 Mimikkyu (GHOST/FAIRY)

777 Togedemaru (ELECTRIC/STEEL)

778 Softle (GROUND)
779 Panquake (GROUND/DARK)

780 Shrimpod (BUG)
781 Wimpod (BUG/WATER)
782 Champod (BUG/WATER)

783 Goruggla (FIGHTING/GROUND)

784 Drakid (NORMAL/DRAGON)
785 Drampa (NORMAL/DRAGON)

786 Lumage (PSYCHIC)
787 Laspell (PSYCHIC)
788 Libraid (PSYCHIC)

789 Fiddlob (STEEL/WATER)
790 Caluca (STEEL/WATER)

791 Badpole (POISON)
792 Salandit (POISON/FIRE)
793 Swindlewt (POISON/FIRE)

794 Germik (GRASS)
795 Peppire (GRASS/FIRE)
796 Triburn (GRASS/FIRE)

797 Fomantis (GRASS)
798 Lurantis (GRASS)

799 Fungkie (POISON/FAIRY)
800 Hallucid (POISON/FAIRY)

801 Cubbadge (FIGHTING)
802 Meritote (FIGHTING)
803 Stalute (FIGHTING/STEEL)

804 Hydratom (NORMAL/WATER)
805 Posatom (FIRE/WATER)
806 Negatom (ELECTRIC/WATER)

807 Scruluse (STEEL)
808 Structor (STEEL)

809 Crypti (ICE/FIGHTING)

810 Dustrance (FAIRY/GROUND)

811 Guardrake (DRAGON)
812 Guaroyal (DRAGON)
813 Torgoyle (DRAGON/FIGHTING)
814 Forgoyle (DRAGON/STEEL)

815 Cosmot (DARK/ELECTRIC)
816 Spectrodon (DARK/ELECTRIC)
817 Quasaur (DARK/ELECTRIC)

818 Tapu Koko (ELECTRIC/FAIRY)
819 Tapu Pipi (FIRE/FAIRY)
820 Tapu Poloka (PSYCHIC/FAIRY)
821 Tapu Mano (GHOST/FAIRY)

822 Solgaleo (PSYCHIC/STEEL)
823 Lunala (PSYCHIC/GHOST)
824 Malshadow (DARK/FIRE)

825 Magearna (STEEL/FAIRY)

~Added spoiler to the post - Steffenka~
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That's definetely fake. Panquake says it all.

Also, just look at the sheer amount of various Pokemon there. If Pokemon said they wanted to revert back to simplicity, then either this isn't it, or they're pissing me off.

Now I'm gonna bring up some of the crappiest names in there.

1. Sirene. You are not naming my beautiful mermaid something as obvious and simple as that. I though Entermaid was boring...
2. Delfin. Really? Do I even need to say this one?
3. Dormala. I'm probably the only one who doesn't like this one, but really? A dormant koala. Sounds like a prevolution.
4. Panquake. This is probably the dumbest pun I've ever heard or will ever hear in my life.
5. Cumbersum. I'm not really sure what this one is, but it reminds me of the Sea Cucumber, which is probably what it is. Still, the name...
6. Snorror. Wow. Snow horror. Not as dumb as Panquake, but it's still pretty uninspired.
7. Flycicle. Why? A flying icicle.

If these are the new Pokemon, this generation will probably have designs 10 times worse than Unova did.

Now let's talk about things that make no sense!

1. Salandit has a prevolution. Which is pretty much told as false if you read it's pokedex entry. It's mentioned as being very weak but cunning. What? Is this a Sunkern lizard?
2. Notice this person has taken Pokemon from other rumors right? The Ice/Ghost snowmen, the Ground/Fighting Gorilla, and the Water Sea Cucumber, which to me, instantly pans this as a fake.

Crossing my fingers that these are just fakes.
Some of them make some sense (Mightior, Drakid). Others seem fairly uninteresting (Sirene? nothing else? "hey, here's a siren, nothing more." Even "Entermaid" was better than that), while others are just baffling or sound like bad fakemon (Delfin? seriously? the spanish word for dolphin? That's like naming your dog "Dog"...)

I have only one response for this argument:


Tana out, yo.

*quietly sneaks back to Fire Emblem: Fates*
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What do you all think of this leak???
I personally believe it.

722 Rowlet (GRASS/FLYING)
723 Archoot (GRASS/FLYING)
724 Robinroot (GRASS/VARIOUS)

725 Litten (FIRE)
726 Pantherm (FIRE)
727 Beltigre (FIRE/VARIOUS)

728 Popplio (WATER)
729 Sirilio (WATER)
730 Sirene (WATER/VARIOUS)

731 Pikipek (NORMAL/FLYING)
732 Plukipek (NORMAL/FLYING)
733 Lumbird (GRASS/FLYING)

734 Yungoos (NORMAL)
735 Gumshoos (NORMAL)

736 Grubbin (BUG)
737 Charjabug (BUG/ELECTRIC)
738 Vikavolt (BUG/ELECTRIC)

739 Rockruff (ROCK)

741 Bounsweet (GRASS)
742 Bountisteen (GRASS/PSYCHIC)
743 Bounsour (POISON)

744 Oricorio (FR-EL-PS-GO/FLYING)

745 Pawssum (DARK)
746 Possumime (DARK)

747 Comfey (FAIRY)
748 Leirie (FAIRY)

749 Cutiefly (BUG/FAIRY)
750 Adorasite (BUG/FAIRY)

751 Quakitt (NORMAL/FLYING)
752 Bonéné (FAIRY/FLYING)


754 Komala (NORMAL)
755 Dormala (NORMAL/PSYCHIC)

756 Bruxby (WATER/PSYCHIC)
757 Bruxish (WATER/PSYCHIC)

759 Peskool (WATER/PSYCHIC)

760 Mudbray (GROUND)
761 Mudsdale (GROUND)

762 Minior (ROCK/FLYING)
763 Mightior (ROCK/FLYING)

764 Darline (NORMAL/VARIOUS)
765 Darwisker (NORMAL/VARIOUS)

766 Caterburr (BUG/ICE)
767 Parkoon (BUG/ICE)
768 Flycicle (BUG/ICE)
769 Hijakoon (BUG/DARK)

770 Snohom (ICE/GHOST)
771 Snorror (ICE/GHOST)

772 Delfin (WATER)
773 Porprise (WATER/VARIOUS)

774 Cumbersum (WATER)
775 Anenemie (WATER/POISON)

776 Mimikkyu (GHOST/FAIRY)

777 Togedemaru (ELECTRIC/STEEL)

778 Softle (GROUND)
779 Panquake (GROUND/DARK)

780 Shrimpod (BUG)
781 Wimpod (BUG/WATER)
782 Champod (BUG/WATER)

783 Goruggla (FIGHTING/GROUND)

784 Drakid (NORMAL/DRAGON)
785 Drampa (NORMAL/DRAGON)

786 Lumage (PSYCHIC)
787 Laspell (PSYCHIC)
788 Libraid (PSYCHIC)

789 Fiddlob (STEEL/WATER)
790 Caluca (STEEL/WATER)

791 Badpole (POISON)
792 Salandit (POISON/FIRE)
793 Swindlewt (POISON/FIRE)

794 Germik (GRASS)
795 Peppire (GRASS/FIRE)
796 Triburn (GRASS/FIRE)

797 Fomantis (GRASS)
798 Lurantis (GRASS)

799 Fungkie (POISON/FAIRY)
800 Hallucid (POISON/FAIRY)

801 Cubbadge (FIGHTING)
802 Meritote (FIGHTING)
803 Stalute (FIGHTING/STEEL)

804 Hydratom (NORMAL/WATER)
805 Posatom (FIRE/WATER)
806 Negatom (ELECTRIC/WATER)

807 Scruluse (STEEL)
808 Structor (STEEL)

809 Crypti (ICE/FIGHTING)

810 Dustrance (FAIRY/GROUND)

811 Guardrake (DRAGON)
812 Guaroyal (DRAGON)
813 Torgoyle (DRAGON/FIGHTING)
814 Forgoyle (DRAGON/STEEL)

815 Cosmot (DARK/ELECTRIC)
816 Spectrodon (DARK/ELECTRIC)
817 Quasaur (DARK/ELECTRIC)

818 Tapu Koko (ELECTRIC/FAIRY)
819 Tapu Pipi (FIRE/FAIRY)
820 Tapu Poloka (PSYCHIC/FAIRY)
821 Tapu Mano (GHOST/FAIRY)

822 Solgaleo (PSYCHIC/STEEL)
823 Lunala (PSYCHIC/GHOST)
824 Malshadow (DARK/FIRE)

825 Magearna (STEEL/FAIRY)

~Added spoiler to the post - Steffenka~

Hmm... interesting. Certainly sounds plausible to me, though I have a few reasons to doubt.

-The starters have four possible type combinations? There are rumors of them having two forms, each with a different type combo... but wouldn't that imply a maximum of two type combos?
-Pikipek's final form is Grass/Flying? Why would they do that when Rowlet's a Grass/Flying?
-Wimpod and Salandit are evolved Pokemon? Have they ever revealed a middle form first? I recall first forms and final forms, but never the mid form.
-Minior has an evolution? Erm... how often do Pokemon with transformation gimmicks possess a further evolution? As I recall, they're either the final form or the only form.

We'll learn the truth soon enough though, no reason to get all freaked out...

On a side note, are people really saying the names a reason to call this rumor fake? This gen already gave use Komala (Coma+Koala), Drampa (Dragon+Grampa), Bewear (Beware) and Mimikyu (Mimic You)... name's like Panquake (Pancake+Earthquake) and Snorror (Snow+Horror) are hardly any worse.
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Anyway, sorry for the wall, definitely an interesting list though. I guess we'll find out if its real or not on the 12th.

That timing is kind of what flags it as fake to me. It's on the heels of an earlier leak being confirmed so people are looking for the next big one, and it has a solid week to be talk of the town while anticipation ramps up for the next reveal.

Most of it isn't really that outlandish that it can't be real. Panquake would be a fine Pokemon name.
On a side note, are people really saying the names a reason to call this rumor fake? This gen already gave use Komala (Koma+Koala), Drampa (Dragon+Grampa), Bewear (Beware) and Mimikyu (Mimic You)... name's like Panquake (Pancake+Earthquake) and Snorror (Snow+Horror) are hardly any worse.

This this this this this!

Puns are a MAINSTAY of pokemon names, especially in the first generation. Tepig, Spearow, Krookodile, Lanturn, Koffing/Weezing,-- I'd list more, but I'll be late for work.

Honestly, the names make this list seem MORE plausible to me. They've certainly been less creative with names before (Ekans/Arbok, Golem, Talonflame....)
Hmm... interesting. Certainly sounds plausible to me, though I have a few reasons to doubt.
-Pikipek's final form is Grass/Flying? Why would they do that when Rowlet's a Grass/Flying?
Because it's a woodpecker :p It's not too outlandish, considering players might choose a different starter but still want a Grass/Flying Type, though Tropius will also certainly be in the tropical game.
-Wimpod and Salandit are evolved Pokemon? Have they ever revealed a middle form first? I recall first forms and final forms, but never the mid form.
I don't think it's too crazy for them to reveal a middle Pokémon first. What is crazy is Wimpod being a middle evolution, because it has the generic "weak, useless ability" which only low base stat basics get. It's also tiny. Salandit is also more likely to be a standalone Pokémon IMO.
-Minior has an evolution? Erm... how often do Pokemon with transformation gimmicks possess a further evolution? As I recall, they're either the final form or the only form.
True, this is never.
On a side note, are people really saying the names a reason to call this rumor fake? This gen already gave use Komala (Koma+Koala), Drampa (Dragon+Grampa), Bewear (Beware) and Mimikyu (Mimic You)... name's like Panquake (Pancake+Earthquake) and Snorror (Snow+Horror) are hardly any worse.
The rumour is obviously fake, so we're poking as much fun at it as possible. For reasons such as there being only 5 Pokémon who don't evolve in a dex of 103. The starters having type gimmicks and forms is dumb -- the reason starters exist is to be a basic introduction to battles, which is why Protean is Greninja's hidden ability, for example. Portmanteaus are how Pokémon get their names, sure, but they're done more intelligently than "Panquake". Komala is comatose + koala and Mimikyu is actually a pun that went straight over my head. :U I find it unlikely that Drampa is a portmanteau of dragon + grampa, considering grampa is an uncommon way to refer to your grandparents (it'd be grandpa for the common spelling, so Drandpa :p). The reason people piked up on Panquake is because a pancake Pokémon would be weird, especially considering a literal Panquake that exists (Stunfisk) took a completely different route in naming, using disk instead of pancake.

The naming this generation has been fine, and probably better than generations like Gen I, where the naming is literally a description of what the Pokémon is (Voltorb = volt orb, for example). The naming in the leak isn't as good as what has already been revealed.