Congrats Bippa

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More and less great additions to the staff.

It's about time. Congrats man!
I can agree with the above post by ISB (excluding the gif for obvious reasons), because, yes, it took them long enough.

Make us proud, son. Do not let my nomination be in vain.

Also, on an unrelated note, is this going to affect bacon's chat status? I kinda need to know.
I'm sad that to gain someone great, we had to lose someone just as great. However, I really look forward to working with Bippa, someone who has deserved the mod spot for a very long time. We'll make sure to keep him in line, guys. ;]
King Arceus said:
As long as he's active on chat, he keeps his ops.


Grats Bippa, you may not make my mornings any more delicious, but what the heck, you're alright ;p
All of today's congratulations go to Bippa. (If anyone else gets modded today then too bad)
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