Congrats Celebi23

Professor Palutena

The Queen
I don't usually get to make these threads. :p

Congrats on becoming a super mod. While I don't normally frequent the TCG forums, I've been told that you've been doing a great job there.
Totally called this.

The TCG part of the forum has gotten so much better since Celebi23 got modded, and im glad to see you get Smod'd

Congrats :)
Congratulated you on your profile, why not do it here :)

Congrats! * Mizu shoots confetti

also that color is making me want to post in color again :F
JaySee said:
taking over!
I like the sound of that. :p

But Gale and I are co-running now, I'm not really stealing anybody's position.

Thanks again, everybody! :)
inb4 Celebi and Gale take over the forums

congrats, welcome to the pink crew aka best crew
I think it's really funny that you made a thread, just to congratulate Celebi. Not stupid, just funny. Well, again congrats Celebi :D
PMJ said:
congrats, welcome to the pink crew aka best crew
Lol that made me think of this video:
"So why are we called best crew? Duh! Bumblebee Extreme Step Team"
Never really knew you, never really seen your posts, but congrats on getting the job.
Congratulations. Ever since you got modded, TCG forums started to become a lot better and I'm sure you'll keep it that way.
Wow, congratulations, Celebi23! I can't think of anyone more deserving– good luck and congratulations!