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He's now the second Game Corner mod. Congrats Safari, you are the most deserving of the job (especially because he is good at pulling pranks. He'll work wonders with the mods on April Fools)
Congrats to all new moderators and to those who got promoted. :3

(Also, before "Oh, *blank* mod got demoted!", people retire too. Don't assume things.)
How many people do I have to Congratulate?

Sorry to see you go, Myles.
Happy day for the rest.
Congrats Tyranking, omahanime, safariblade, and Steadfast. I'm late to post because I was doing the changes.
Congrats to the new pinkies too, omahanime and Steadfast! You guys'll do great =)
Why isn't Pixie Stixs in the Amazing Threads? So did safari have nothing to do with this the whole time or was he working with the mods? I'm still kinda confused... What did the QR's really spell?
Tyraniking=Mod? My mind=blown
Congratulations Tyraniking, you were definitely deserving because your knowledge in TCG and how active you are! So are there any more mods you guys would like to inform me of? lol
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