Contest: Design the Dragon-type!

Teal said:
Psychic in the TCG uses the colour of poison in the games, and poison Pokémon are Psychic in the TCG. There is no real difference between the colours of fighting in the games and the TCG (I don't know how you came up with fighting using red since it is obviously brown). Fire is obviously red in the TCG, while its orangeish red in the games but seriously, true red just makes more sensa - anyway it's basically the same colour too.

Lest we not forget Psychic was pink in the VG and purple in the TCG while Poison was still represented by Grass in the TCG. Plus, the TCG type itself is Psychic -- not Poison. ;) Fighting is most certainly red in the VG, though. Let's just agree to disagree.

I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with!
I came up with this

I used orange because orange hasn't been used yet in the TCG but I do think it best represents dragons anyways.
If you take a look at the other symbols they are all very simplistic, that's why mine looks like that.
I thought that dragons are best represented by their claws and fangs and that's why I used spikes to represent that.
I agree with DE and shadowcat in that it's weaknesses will probably Dragon and Water types.

As for resistance I would probably say fire, grass, and electric maybe?

So it would be

Weakness: Dragon and Water
Resistance: Fire, Grass, and Electric
^ I agree with the slash thing but not orange. Mayebe Purple as that often represents Dragon-type. The slash marks may be like the ones you see if a Dragon-type in BW (if you don't know what I mean, beat the Pokemon League withat least one Dragon and look in the background) because it's in BW and Dragon-type in the TCG comes along with the BW TCG.
It will be a generic dragon head in the energy orb, with the highlight being navy blue and the inside being a crimson red. For the most part, they will be weak to dragon, but occasionally you will see some outliers that go by their secondary type. Examples would include Dialga (being weak to fighting), Reshiram (weak to water), etc. And I also predict the dragon energy card will be a special energy, with each card attached to a dragon Pokemon giving it a 10 attack boost on its attacks.

Master_Z said:
It will be a generic dragon head in the energy orb, with the highlight being navy blue and the inside being a crimson red. For the most part, they will be weak to dragon, but occasionally you will see some outliers that go by their secondary type. Examples would include Dialga (being weak to fighting), Kyurem (weak to metal), etc. And I also predict the dragon energy card will be a special energy, with each card attached to a dragon Pokemon giving it a 10 attack boost on its attacks.
I want to say Royal Blue/Indigo, but because of the copious amounts of Gold on the booster, I'm hedging my bets Gold on with weaknesses to itself, and resistances to Grass (since I don't think any type currently resists it regularly). I think the symbol will be a perfect circle, representative of Oroborous, the dragon who eats itself, representative of Dragons' weakness to itself.
The new dragon type color will be gold. Only other color left is really orange and that is not an option. Gold would make it as special as the steel type.

As for the black icon in the center of the symbol.... it will be an eye... i psychic type is already an eye, but this eye will be vertical instead and easily distinguishable from the other icons. As gold is easily distinguishable from the other type colors.

Also new type will look like comodo logo, except gold and black.

Callin it.

Dragon is weak to dragon... Only thing that resists dragon is steel..

Only 13 dragon type attacks exist.. making it the least common type of attack...

Dragon type energy will neither provide defensive or offensive attributes like +10 attack or -10 defense... that is what dark and steel type already have...

So I look at the 13 dragon type attacks that exist:

DracoMeteor, DragonBreath, DragonClaw, DragonDance, Dragon pulse, dragon rage, dragon rush, dragon tail, dual chop, outrage, roar of time, spacial rend, twister....

And i have concluded that even though most of their attacks are 100 percent accurate..... the special attribute for Special Dragon Energy cards will be "Flip or Fail" Like every dragon attack ever made under those names...

Special Energy Card Attribute: "Flip two coins. If either of them is tails, this attack does nothing."
Dragon Weakness: Dragon
Resistance: Fire/Grass mostly, possibly some Water/Electric

Edit Edit: just realized this was the contest thread>
the color will most likely be royal blue. royal=dragons blue=the color the type is in the games.

the symbol may be something strange like the dark type symbol. the circle really doesnt make sense for dark...
the energy symbol may just be a glittering orb or blue flames, they wont do a dragon tail, or claw, or anything like that, none of the others have part of a creature in them.

I believe the weakness will be dragon or water and the resistance (if they have one at all) may either be colorless or metal.
I think it will be dark blue with slash marks as the symbol :p eeeeek im so excited to get this set!!! XD they need a flying type too now! ^-^
The vertical eye is a good idea. I think it'd be more a generic dragon's head in profile.

I've always wondered if they wanted to keep the energy-attachment simple but expand on the types (How is Gigalith a Fighting-type?), they could keep the current batch of types but add a subtype in text next to the energy symbol.
Therefore Gigalith would be {F}[sub]rock[/sub] (Uses Fighting-type energy but is a 'rock' subtype) which would allow Swanna {W}[sub]fly[/sub] to be resistant against only {F}[sub]fight[/sub] or {F}[sub]grnd[/sub] and take neutral damage from {F}[sub]rock[/sub].

The only thing that'd change would be adding a subtype to the top of each card if it warrants as well as a subtype at the bottom next to the weakness/resistance symbols.
Heck, this would allow {C}[sub]fly[/sub]-types to damage {P}[sub]ghost[/sub] and allow {P}[sub]ghost[/sub] to remain resistant against {C}[sub]nrml[/sub].
And Zapdos, {L}[sub]fly[/sub] would have a x2 weakness to {F}[sub]rock[/sub] with a -20 {F}[sub]fight[/sub] or {F}[sub]grnd[/sub] resistance.
THAT would confuse the youngins I would think porygonandrew.

I like Shinigmilotic's idea of the slashmarks. Or I think somebody said like an open mouth full of fangs earlier, yeah? Another idea (sure it's been said) is just a silhouette head (such as Salamence's head or the outline of Clair's Gym Badge, although Hydreigon's head or Iris's badge might be more appropriate and relevant to today)
I think it will be royal blue with 3 claw scratch marks on them, with the middle skratch being the biggest.
I wouldn't think so, Breen. At the very least it's one extra word on a card. At the very most, it's 3 separate extra words on a card.

Other than the color, this is kind of a cool idea that someone made for a dragon-type energy card:
Are we getting this for the American sets? It will be so cool, as this will be the first type addition to the TCG since the original Gold and Silver sets. I'm so excited and happy! :D