Finished Convicted 3 - (Murder/Mystery Roleplaying Game)

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"Lil, shut up, you are no good at running things when they get hectic, let Tails take care of this"

"I am going to have to clean this aren't I? Dammit, here I was hoping for an easy journey (yawns). Whatever. (Starts dragging the body away)"
[Lilligant] One of us had to say that. *Uses Petal Dance to cover the body in a thick layer of Pink Petals* Darn, there goes my time to talk to Oyuki, because now the crew have to act as the police.

[Aquamarine] Nobody seems shaken up, all of us could be the murderer. Maybe we should look for clues?

[Oyuki] Perhaps I should read a book to calm myself down. *Begins rummaging through bag* Convicted... Nah. read it already. Convicted 2... bad timing. Athena & Keeper: explorers of time... Ooh, that's a good one! *Begins reading* I hope Lilligant can come talk soon, I have to thank her for this ticket, but getting up and leaving the room would look suspicious right now...
"Really? Petals? This is why I handle the unruly "guests", you are still pretty weak" (Glaring slightly disappointingly at Lilligant before burning the petals with a small flame) "We haven't left yet, lets leave the body and the Egg with officials, they can deal with this mess, and we can complete this trip"
"Really? Petals? This is why I handle the unruly "guests", you are still pretty weak" (Glaring slightly disappointingly at Lilligant before burning the petals with a small flame) "We haven't left yet, lets leave the body and the Egg with officials, they can deal with this mess, and we can complete this trip"
[Lilligant] I'm a flower. What else would I summon? Rocks? Water? And for that matter, what's wrong with covering the body?
"Guys, leave the body with me. I've made more than enough of them in the past -- hidden plenty, too. Since Vileplume was our only first class passenger, I say we use the first class carriage as a store for the bodies. We may need to examine them later to find this killer..."
I think Nidoking would be a first class passenger, but at least Vileplumes room is empty, that being said we still haven't left the station, why would we leave it on board?
Also, I don't know why but I assumed you are using the petals to "attack" Seir so he couldn't remove the body. :p

"Nothing wrong with covering it, but Vileplume doesn't exactly deserve the dignity"

"Why not leave it with officials? We haven't left the station, and you don't know anything about figuring this stuff out, only how to make it happen"
[Oyuki] Wait... how many of us can hear you?

[Lilligant] Hmm... At the same time, then the authorities would ask for the knife, and we don't know where it came from... *Picks up knife* Eurgh... it's so bloody I can't tell if it's the kind we have in the kitchen or not... *Puts knife down* Now, has everyone gotten a cupcake? *Holds out the tray of cupcakes*

[Aquamarine] ...

[me] Vom, we might need to explain the Pyroar/TDK in-joke here...
(Steals one)
"You are right, the police would be useless like they always are, still it would mean less work for me Lil, take the hint"
Before you decide to stuff the cabin full of bodies, I will go and remove the personal property, which were most likely stolen.
[Empoleon] Gentlemen and Ladies, allow me. The process is simple. Firstly, we take the body to the kitchen and lay it on a food cart. Should we need to examine the body, we can do so at our convenience. Nidoking, you seem to be a strong fellow, do be a good chap and carry that body to the kitchen cart.

Now, apprehend that Togepi. He's a small fellow, so even a Lilligant as graceful as yourself should be able to hold him, my dear.

If someone could bring me a notepad and pen, we can start deciphering who committed this foul, if not deserved, crime.
[Oyuki] Wait... how many of us can hear you?

[Lilligant] Hmm... At the same time, then the authorities would ask for the knife, and we don't know where it came from... *Picks up knife* Eurgh... it's so bloody I can't tell if it's the kind we have in the kitchen or not... *Puts knife down* Now, has everyone gotten a cupcake? *Holds out the tray of cupcakes*

[Aquamarine] ...

[me] Vom, we might need to explain the Pyroar/TDK in-joke here...
Nah, no one's paying attention to it anyway :V
"Leave speculation about the knife up in the air for the time being please, sirs. I've explained all in my accusation.

As a trained security officer and more than experienced psychomurderer, let me handle the bodies. You guys don't know what you're getting into if you try to handle the duties yourselves."
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"Lil, stay away from the monster, Empoleon, are you trying to get her killed? You don't know that, thing, like we do, and ha, the big boss man doing his own labour, not likely"
[Lilligant] Seir! Now I'm 1 cupcake short! Wait, I'm not in the most Cupcake-giving mood for Gears right now, besides, he doesn't like them anyways. *Sighs* Here Nidoking, you have one. Here, Gengar. Brooks, are you here? Oh, good. Have one. Hmm... I don't know your name... oh! Aulus! Aulus, have a Cupcake. Hedron, are you here? Oh good, you've fixed our little sabotage problem, take a Cupcake. Gardevoir... you've had one, Togepi, I need to give you one, and Meowstic, here you go, and now there's just one left!

Oh, and by the way Empoleon, are you stereotyping because I'm a girl, because I'm a flower, or are you just so absorbed in yourself you doubt the battling abilities that I have? For your information, I'm one of the best battlers in my tier. So maybe think before you assume you're the only one here that is capable of anything. \ at least I know better than to try to apprehend Togepi like that -- he's a monster. *Walks up to the bench Oyuki has her books spread all over* Hi there. Got any room? *Hands Oyuki the last Cupcake, sits down, and pulls the cupcake that she had in her pouch out and begins eating it while talking to Oyuki*

[Oyuki] Lilligant! Ooh, cupcake! How have you been? Well, outside of the Vileplume attack, and now the Vileplume's dead, so you're safe! *Begins talking while eating her Cupcake*

[Gallade] Shouldn't we ask the chef and the waiter if we could use their food tray first? Also, the cause of death is really obvious here. This Vileplume's body is in 2 pieces. I wouldn't object to it being covered in petals, Eurgh. *Shudders*
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