Finished Convicted 3 - (Murder/Mystery Roleplaying Game)

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Credit for the banner goes to Turtwig himself!


We’re back for another round of the serial killing game! Yay! :D What? Where is Turtwig, you say? Man, I’m hurt :( Turtwig and raichulover11 are busy for the time being (do note that they might be taking over if they so wish), sooo yours truly will be hosting this round of the carnage, with some help with the behind-the-scenes stuff from my co-host (kind of) and your favorite ninja, bbninjas. *throws confetti*

Convicted is a game Turtwig has created that relies on the characters you get to make and...and how they die?

Have you ever played the board game Clue? Ever watched a murder-mystery film? Someone has died, yet the culprit is a mystery. You're confined to a limited area with a murderer amongst the crowd. Every chapter, someone dies. It could be you. How are you going to stop this character, let alone figure out his identity? In Convicted 3, not only will you have to figure out the killer's identity before you die, but you also have to be hesitant enough to make the right choice.

Due to many players of past rounds asking for this, it’s now here: Dead people now get to interact with the living! :eek: And that’s not all! Players, protagonists and antagonists, will have more interaction with the story. After all, this game could never happen without your contribution!

Now that the intro is out of the way, I just wanted to say that this game is centered around the story and the deductions that you make as you “roleplay” the character you designed. More information on this is regarded down below.

You can find our first game here and the second round over here in case you're looking for some past experiences!

Character Customization

Even though last round had 20 roles, this one will have only 17 (more than the first but less than the second) because we had some issues last time. If this gets enough attention, the roles can go back to 20. I’ll go ahead and have one filled in beforehand to start the process and my dear co-host will be driving, so that means 15/17 roles will be open. His character cannot be killed (if the driver is killed, it’s bad for the train, yes?) until the train reaches its destination.

Each of the fifteen roles requires merely a description that relates you to my character, which dies in the first chapter. (I’m giving you the role, you’re giving me a backstory that led up to this point). You must insert a Pokemon you think fits that role well and then give depth to that character with the restrictions at hand.
In the spoiler tag at the bottom of this post, there will be an example as well as the application itself. This example will be my application for one of the characters. Pretty much anything goes as long as it fits the rules and isn’t completely inappropriate.
Also, feel free to mention any moveset options you want your character to have. For this round (and maybe the others, too) Pokémon will have Natures! This will influence number of things, such as how your character reacts, who they’re more likely to befriend, etc.

However, there is a catch (or a few, really): you can only submit one character in for a role. Your character’s background must include some sort of relation to Vileplume, my choice of character. This requirement is so every character can have a motive to kill her and thus keep the story interesting. I will PM the person who created the murderer and explain what is going on and what he should do. Character applications will simply be posted in this thread.

Background and Characters

The story will take place in a train in the 1890s, and there are rumors that claim its destination has been abandoned for more than 10 years. The character you choose must be a Pokemon! Imagine this world like the mystery dungeon series--humanless, although you have to keep in mind that objects from the real world (such as knives, pistols, locks, etc) are present.


Once all roles are assigned and descriptions are made by you, we can begin. The first chapter will introduce everyone and lead to Vileplume’s death. Small clues will be given here and there to bring out the real killer, but the direct conflicts going on are back and forth accusations.

**When all the characters are filled up and the story progresses, I will, thanks to a suggestion from a poll, PM you with information on your character before the first few chapters so we can kind of work together on a storyline for it, but feel free to PM me at any time with any ideas you might have. Keep in mind that after I say a chapter will be posted in x days, it means you can no longer PM me for anything regarding this game.**

At the end of each chapter, someone will die. After seeing the corpse, someone will be asked to provide an explanation of what happened (whether the person was there at the time of death or not, someone will need to explain). The member who created that character will get to form an alibi and then cast the blame on a new Pokemon, which will shift the focus for the next chapter to an entirely different angle. This member will communicate his alibi and blame through PMing me so that the exchange of information is private. Your goal is to keep your character’s nose clean and still alive so you can watch on the sidelines for the real culprit.

As the game rolls out, you always have the option to PM me who you think the murderer is. Because we have a very limited amount of characters available, you can only have one guess. You must also give some evidence that the murderer was this person (you can’t just make a lucky guess). If you are right, then the chapter will conclude with you being the hero and defeating the villain. However, if you are wrong, your character is guaranteed to die in the following chapter. This means you will not know if you are right or wrong until I continue the story, in which case I will either wrap up or continue on with the writing. Because the PMing process is private, no one will know if your character died because of the wrong guess or if by the murderer’s will.

You are both encouraged and discouraged to guess because even the slightest doubt can cost you the game. The killer is not going to be obvious, though, so you need to wait a few chapters before guessing. Once your character is dead, feel free to PM me and ask who the murderer was. However, you cannot disclose the information with the living players! Guessing is completely different from accusing! If you are going to guess, then you need to specifically ask if _____ is the murderer.

The murderer is allowed to pick a character to die before I write each chapter, meaning that he can completely alter the course of the story. This is to keep my writing style from making anything too obvious. The murderer will still be required to make fake alibis and blames if called on at the end of the chapter, but his will obviously be lies, and that’s okay!

General Rules
  • A character background or post-chapter accusation must meet the qualifications required or I will be allowed to deny the entry and write one myself.

  • Your character descriptions must relate to Vileplume in some way, shape, or form. You can claim your character was a childhood friend or you can say he’s Vileplume’s arch rival. It’s possible to connect any of the characters to Vileplume, so anything goes as long as it’s reasonable. This doesn’t mean that you can’t link your characters to each other. In fact, you’re encouraged to do so!

  • Any and all character applications need to be posted in this thread.

  • If you are blamed at the end of the chapter (which is basically just asking you to move the story onward in your own way), you must PM me back your reply (in character, or IC, so talking as your character) within three days so I can continue the game. Likewise, the murderer has this responsibility as well for choosing the next to die.

  • Be smart. If you want to win, you may need to keep what information you know to yourself, or you may need to team up. It’s up to you! However, feel free to roleplay, give commentary, and jokingly accuse characters. It’s all for the fun of the story!

  • You cannot start guessing until Chapter 3 so that I can introduce every character and give some background!

  • If you lost and know the answer, you cannot give hints or tell anyone. Your character is dead, and so you have no ability to speak anymore. Not anymore! Now, everyone gets to participate, dead or alive! Once you die, I will PM you with some information of what you can do, and we can also agree on a method you can use to speak in-thread (or in the story, if you so wish). Also, from time to time, you might get to make some choices...

  • Be creative! These backgrounds can be borderline ridiculous / funny as long as they meet the qualifications and are appropriate enough to write about.


Conductor: Electivire (bbninjas)

Trainman: Kinklang (NPC)

Engineer: Excadrill (Plasma Dragon)

Fireman: Blastoise (NPC)

Head Chef: Scizor (GM DracLord)

Chef: Gardevoir (raichulover11)

Waiter: Meowstic (SF)

Porter: Houndoom (Vraken) Wins! Yay!

Porter: Lilligant (NPC)

Security: Togepi (Celever)

Passenger: Vileplume (Default)

Passenger: Empoleon (TheStrictNein)

Passenger: Gallade (TGK)

Passenger: Nidoking (TKoN)

Passenger: Dialga (MrIronGolem27) (Kinda Missing)

Passenger: Gengar (NPC)

Passenger: Glaceon (NPC)

Remember that your backgrounds must tie into Vileplume. You may create a motive for your character, but if you choose not to, I will myself. Backgrounds and in-chapter accusations must meet the qualifications or I would be allowed to deny the entry and write one myself.

Your roleplaying and dialogue, that you make in the thread, may be used either directly or as an inspiration in future chapters! Because you’re your own character, you get to form it just as much as I do. Someone suggested more emphasis on the side comments you guys make, so I am going to incorporate your own opinions, which you display through your characters, into the story.

Copy this code to create your application:






Role: Passenger

Nature: Lonely

Pokemon: Vileplume


Ever since she was a little Oddish, Vileplume has been a rather lonely individual. Always alone playing with her powders, never with the other kids playing outside.

One day, however, this paid off, as she accidentally made a combination that made all of her cells bloom (remember she’s a plant). After this incident, she has made scientific breakthroughs one after another, every single year.

As life went by, her reputation grew wider and wider, and eventually she was known everywhere, and her unpublished investigations started to see a drastic increase in price.

One day however, she started to become paranoid. No one ever knew why, but the times she was seen in public were fewer and fewer, and the more time passed, the more she looked like she was hiding from something. Always on the lookout, restless. A beautiful day, what had to happen finally happened: she disappeared. Just like that, without leaving any clues or anything. Or that’s what everyone thought, until her last investigation was found.

Some days after the finding, word was spread that she would be taking the train in a few days. With anyone being able to access this information, number of things could happen to her during the trip...

Moves: Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Petal Blizzard

As you can see, bbninjas and I created a Pokemon based on an occupation and gave it a background. You will have to give some sort of motive as to killing Vileplume, which shouldn’t be hard since everyone hates Item lock so many reasons come to mind with that backstory. I will try and include every detail of a background provided it is appropriate and easy-to-write about.

Don’t forget it’s the 1890s, so nothing too technologic!

(Your character, Mudkip, was just framed for killing Igglybuff. You, the creator, must provide a few sentences of dialogue or description).

Mudkip: No way! I was with Dunsparce in the kitchen making some brownies! I can go and get him if you want--and a brownie, too. However, I did see Haunter sneak into the bathroom where Igglybuff was at right before. Tell me, is my life in danger?

Something simple like that is all you have to give.

Applications close when we have enough players, or after 4 weeks! If there are spots remaining after this time, bbninjas and I will just fill them in ourselves. Your applications will need to be posted in this thread because that information can be viewed by anyone.

If you have questions or ideas, feel free to either post here or PM me.

Here's the Google Poll:
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Role: Passenger

Pokemon: Empoleon

Nature: Bold

Background: Empoleon was once the greatest explorer and researcher of his time. He was among the team that first lead an expedition to the Unova Region, and his work with local tribes of Pokemon is legendary. Papers would cover his fabulous exploits, and over time the fame got to his head.

While planning an expedition to the Holon region, he learned of a Young Vileplume making waves in the way of powders. Knowing Holon could be a dangerous place, he sought out the Vileplume to request medicines.

Despite the Vileplume's objections, Empoleon's ego had got the better of him, and on attempting to take a vaccine Vileplume had been working on to counteract Pokerus, his Water typing made him fall victim to a near fatal poisoning, despite his steely resolve. This lead to him missing out on the expedition to Holon. The pokemon who lead in his place was credited with the discovery of Delta Species.

While on a train to a conference on the Delta Pokemon he so narrowly discovered himself, he finds out that the Vileplume he blames for poisoning him is on the train. Despite being many moons ago, he still holds a grudge...

Moves: Substitute, Agility, Surf, Ice Beam

Looking forward to it, if my application is accepted :)
Don't worry xD, entries won't be denied unless it's really inappropriate/disrespectful or breaks the rules :)

Aquamarine the Gallade

Nature: Adamant

BackGround: Aquamarine the Gallade lived in a city when he was younger with his love, Amber the Gardevoir. However, he was called to the military to fight on the eve he planned to propose, and had to leave. Amber promised to wait for him as long as it would take. 10 years later, he came back and found a note on his door from Amber, saying her family moved away, and they were forcing her to leave with them because they wanted their baby to be safe. She had moved across the country to escape the war. Aquamarine went there only to find their new house and the bodies of Amber's Family covered in a mysterious powder, with Amber's body missing, and he was heartbroken at the supposed loss of Amber. It's been 15 years, and Aquamarine recieved a letter yesterday containing a train ticket and an address, signed by someone with the name of Vileplume, who claimed to have clues to Amber's fate. Aquamarine has boarded the train in hopes of finding his true love again...

Moveset: Protect, Drain Punch, Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch

I hope this is accepted, the game seems fun :)
Role: Head Chef

Pokemon: Scizor

Nature: Adamant

Background: Scizor was once a member of a group (Grand Royal Denier) (GRD) that have an negative ideal towards the Royal Family of their land. The group consist of many notorious people some well know for the assassin or destructive skill. Being partner with a sneaky Flygon (who later become his Fiancee), the both of them specialized in infiltration & assassination. They both when Rogue when the group was defeated by a collective effort of the Royal Family Members. As quick as he cut of his target using his claws, that same speed made him renown for his cooking. One of his nickname in the GRD was Speed & Full, which in recognition of his fast cooking ability and the quality of his cooking which made the GRD members ate until they are full. After he when Rogue and just a few month after he proposed to Flygon, he when travelling when he hit by a petal blizzard (It was reported that a couple of Vileplumes & Bellosoms was showing off their skills at the moment). He was knocked down and nearly died. He was lucky to be saved by a herd of Wurmple. whom nurse him back to health. Due to the injury, he somehow lost his memory & identity. Somehow he manage to retain his cooking skill. Not knowing what else to do, he continue sharpening his cooking skill & later joined a Restaurant. After 2 years he is seen being promoted and was given charged of being the Head Chef of the train. He herd that a Vileplume was also on board on the train, rumours has it that, the mother of that Vileplume was in the famous Blizzard Hazard Group, the same group that performance nearly killed him. It can never be certain if Scizor still remember his near death incident but one thing for sure, he cooking skill is the best in the region.

Moves: Bullet Punch, U-Turn, Swords Dance, Pursuit
Role: Security

Pokemon: Nidoking

Nature: Brave

Background: Nidoking is a seasoned war veteran who served valiantly in the great Pokemon war of 1822. Most Pokemon try to avoid Nidoking due to his short temper and bad attitude. But, what they dont know is that during the war Nidoking Lost his best friend, Vileplume and has been trying to deal with the pain ever since. Since the great Pokemon war ended Nidoking has been travelling the world doing odd jobs and has run security for some of the most famous Pokemon in the land. He never stays for too long in one place for fear of becoming complacent and meeting the same fate as his best friend. But, deep down he wants to find a place where he can settle down, find himself a nice Nidoqueen, and start a family.

Moves: Protect, Earth Power, Mega Horn, Super Power
Sorry, but I already reserved security. Could you rewrite yours a little bit into another role?
Role: Security

Pokemon: Nidoking

Nature: Brave

Background: Nidoking is a seasoned war veteran who served valiantly in the great Pokemon war of 1822. Most Pokemon try to avoid Nidoking due to his short temper and bad attitude. But, what they dont know is that during the war Nidoking Lost his best friend, Vileplume and has been trying to deal with the pain ever since. Since the great Pokemon war ended Nidoking has been travelling the world doing odd jobs and has run security for some of the most famous Pokemon in the land. He never stays for too long in one place for fear of becoming complacent and meeting the same fate as his best friend. But, deep down he wants to find a place where he can settle down, find himself a nice Nidoqueen, and start a family.

Moves: Protect, Earth Power, Mega Horn, Super Power
Perhaps your Nidoking fought with my Gallade?
Role: passenger



Background:Nidoking's childhood is a mystery. No one knows where he came from or where he is going. 10 years ago he just appeared by the side of the world elite trainer Gary Oak. Together the two became Known as the Dynamic Duo. After years of training and defeating anyone who crossed their path Nidoking retired to a life of luxury. After starting his own company Poffin Co. Nidoking has become the wealthiest Pokemon in all the whole world. Nidoking is a Pokemon of mystery however. His day to day life is handled by his assistant Vileplume who has been with Nidoking since their days of battling together with Gary. Some speculate that Nidoking runs a secret underground Pokemon battle club, but Officer Jennie has never been able to make those accusations stick, despite her having a man on the inside. Nidoking has made many friends and even more enemies along the way. He isn't sure what made vileplume turn against him but it's now the end of the line for nidoking old pal. Only time will tell what the future has in store!

Moves: Earth Power. Mega Horn. Super Power. Mega Horn.

Perhaps your Nidoking fought with my Gallade?
I just changed his back story cause he couldn't be security guard.
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Role: Security
Pokémon: Togepi
Background: Our story with Togepi starts at a very young age -- in fact, it was before the poor guy was even born. Togepi had two lovely parents, a Togetic as a father and a Togekiss as a mother, but one day, while they were taking their egg out for a walk, they ventured into a forest. It was a lovely route, so this little Togepi's parents left him on a bench, and they went off to have a swim in the river nearby, keeping a close eye on the Togepi at all times. While Togepi's parents were swimming, however, a small Oddish entered the woods, crying, and he started playing with some scents and powders. This was all done innocently, but there is one thing lethal to unborn Pokémon, and that is PoisonPowder. Togepi's parents, unaware that anything was happening, suddenly heard a shriek from the bench. The underdeveloped Togepi started headbutting the egg from the inside, trying desperately to escape from the toxins. Togepi ran over and, starting to cough from the PoisonPower, nudged the egg off of the bench upon which it was laid. This was how our Togepi was born. Fully formed on the outside, but lacking any positive emotion within -- it hadn't yet developed.

Thanks to this quirk, Togepi was shunted by all throughout childhood. He was constantly called the "bad egg" of any school he went to, though he never cried -- he couldn't cry. All he knew was anger and vengeance. Every school our Togepi went to had a school shooting, but Togepi always survived. Lucky, huh?

Fastforward a few years and Togepi was having identity issues. The point of the Togepi family is to spread joy and happiness to all, but Togepi was unable to feel these emotions himself. He became stressed and he became envious of his parents, who knew nothing but joy. One fateful evening caused the couple to feel death, too. Two gunshots were fired that night, and we all knew what happened next.

However, life isn't all bad for Togepi (just for everyone he knows). When he turned 18 he got a job as a police officer. He was very good at taking criminals of all sorts out of the picture, though his methods were unorthodox. Every suspect in any crime committed in Togepi's town was found dead the day after being taken into the police station. It worked -- crime levels in the town fell to 0. However, the primary reason for this is that everyone fled for their lives; the population of the town fell to 1.

Togepi, feeling dejected furthermore, was looking for work. Most jobs call for some kind of smile. This was until Togepi found a handy little train company, looking for a job as a security guard. Togepi, while at first laughed out of the interview for being a Togepi, DID get the job. However, none of the interviewers made it out of the interview alive, so Togepi kinda found work by default.

It's a couple of months after Togepi signed up with the train company now, and only 3 passengers have died; 2 Gloom and a Bellossom. Togepi knows the Oddish who forced him into this life will pay, the only answer is when. Well, as a Vileplume, spouting PoisonPowder around whenever he walked, boarded the train one fateful evening, Togepi knew that the Pokémon would not make it to its stop.

Moves: Nasty Plot, Water Gun, Bullet Punch, Octazooka

(A genocidal Togepi is PG13 right?)

Edit: bb forced me to choose a nature, so I'll have to do Bashful. It's the most fitting at least...
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Role: Waiter

Pokemon: Meowstic

Nature: Timid

Background: He was always a quiet one. Never had much to say, but somehow incredibly intelligent - That's just how he was.
From an affluent family with ties to royalty, Meowstic had a lot of pressure on him from an early age; to do well in school, to achieve. He never got to play outside much, and he didn't have many friends. He left University with honors, and was qualified to be almost anything he could ever want to be. He read up on Vileplume's investigations, taking great interest - and then she disappeared. One of his idols had disappeared, and he grew bitter about it - though he didn't let anyone know that.
He went into some field or other to do with Psychology, and as part of an investigation of his own was to work on a train as a waiter. He didn't think it would amount to anything, though; even if he did glide through University he still had little confidence in himself.
Eventually, he got word that Vileplume would be taking the train, and took the opportunity. He applied for the job as a waiter and got it easily. Everything was ready to go. After this train ride, his investigation would be complete and he could move on from the whole thing!

Moves: Light Screen, Fake Out, Psychic, Role Play

: Conductor

Pokemon: Electivire

Nature: Adamant

Electivire, as an Elekid, was always interested in Physics and aspired to be a top physician. However, Elekid's teachers always told him that he could never become a physician, or any scientist for that matter. Why? Elekid could simply not do his maths. He always stumbled over those fractions and never got the concept behind algebra. His book was full of scribbles, which unfortunately got Elekid in trouble on multiple accounts Despite this, Elekid continued to strive towards his dream. Once he managed to finish school, Elekid went straight to university to attempt the entry exam. Only a few questions stumped him, or so he thought. After patiently waiting months for the exam results, Elekid made an inquiry. Why had he not received the results yet? Wigglytuff, the Head of Science, decided to personally talk to Elekid after the inquiry. His spirit's rose at that point - he must have made it in! But as the head started to speak, Elekid's hopes were shattered one by one. Not only did Elekid manage not to receive a position, he did not pass. In fact, he only got 16.3% of the exam correct! Making matters worse, Wigglytuff neglected to sympathise, saying Elekid's intelligence was equivalent to that of a 5-year old. Furthermore, the head said Elekid would have better chances on the streets than ever getting a job! Crushed, Elekid departed, running from the horrors of embarrassment, tears flowing down his face.

Elekid was unemployed for years on end. He had no positive referees, who constantly said Elekid was useless and helpful despite his true intentions, and his resume didn't say much, except that his grammar was horrendous. Elekid was distraught. Finally, one Pokemon decided to give Elekid a chance, who discounted resumes as uninformative. A Magmortar. Pretty unusual, considering the rivalry that occurred naturally among the two species. Magmortar was an expert in the field of creativity. He knew the values of the artistic mind, the importance the skill would have in the future, whether it be in centuries or millenniums. Magmortar asked Elekid to do one thing. Draw a picture. Elekid was confused, not understanding his superior's intentions, but obediently did as he was told. The picture took about 30 minutes to draw, but at the end, it baffled Magmortar. Elekid had drawn something unthinkable, something imaginable only in the future. A train powered by electricity. Magmortar originally realised the potential of the youngster, and took him under his wing. He mentored Elekid for years, and witnessed his literal growth into a Electivire. After years of studying the skill of creativity and the ideas of the future, Electivire approached his mentor. He wanted to pursue the idea - the electrical train - that had brought him to where he was now. Magmortar was very excited for his apprentice, who he thought of as his son, and encouraged the motive. Magmortor suggested Electivire should work in the rail industry to gather information about rail mechanics. So Electivire set off, his mentor deep in his heart and his hope restored, to pursue his dream.

It only took Electivire a few months, amazing compared to his looming unemployment, to find a position on the rails. He became an apprentice trainman. You know, the guy who looks after the coffee breaks brakes. Electivire excelled at his new job, and quickly became the head of his expertise area. Electivire continued to endeavor to discover the mechanics of trains, constantly asking the engineer of the train he worked on intriguing mechanical questions. Each night Electivire could be found writing notes on the day's events, including what he did and what he learnt. When someone asked him if it was a diary, he would confidently say something like this: "Hey, it's not a diary! It's a very advanced life-book =)"

Electivire continued to rise among the ranks, and after many laborious hours, was promoted to the ranks of a conductor. He was given his own train to conduct, which he performed with pride. Nevertheless, Electivire never forgot his original journey purpose, and continued to write in his life-book. Rumours eventually spread across Electvire's crew about the innovative idea the Thunderbolt Pokemon had devised. But, for Electivire, there was one problem. He could not manage to understand the concept of electricity. Granted, he knew what it does, but Electivire continued to have difficulties determining how the shocking phenomena occurred. Electivire realised that this last piece of information would be enough to finalise his designs for the electric train.

After conducting his train for a year, Electivire learned of Vileplume, a top scientist, who would supposedly be boarding his very own vehicle. Electivire quickly confirmed this information. Why? Electivire was certain that Vileplume would be able to provide this last bit of understanding so he could complete his design. The conductor decided to make an appointment with Vileplume. At midday, Electivire dressed up in some fancier clothing, brang some cookies and a jug of lemonade and knocked on the door of Vileplume's cabin. Vileplume answered, letting him in. Electivire was nearly stuck on words - he was talking to the famous Vileplume after all. Electivire opened his mouth to speak, when he saw a brown book sitting on a shelf behind the scientist. The brown book had a golden rim on the right side, with a elastic velvet blue ribbon keeping the book shut. Electivire's eyes widened ever so slightly - that book was his, his life-book! He was sure of it! Vileplume must have stolen his ideas and is trying to claim them as his own! Electivire quickly tried to recover and deflect the possibility of Vileplume realising his discovery.

"Is something wrong?" Vileplume asked.

"No, no," said Electivire. "Was just thinking."

Vileplume frowned.

"Well, Vileplume, would you mind explaining me the concept of electricity?" Electivire continued.

"Err, why?" asked Vileplume. "Electricity is a concept that should only be relevant in the future. But the future is not now, thus eletricity is not relevant."

Electivire was loss for words, once again. "....w-well," he stuttered, "if you're of no help, I may as well leave."
So he did just that, leaving the room downcast, knocking over the jug of lemonade in the process. It spills across the cabin floor, drying up by the cabin's fire. Electivire promptly went to his cabin, to check for his life-book, which much to his frustration, was not there.

A few days later, Electivire devised a plan to retrieve his stolen book. He would get the waiter, Meowstic, to bring him back his book. Or he would get fired. Not much of a choice there. Meowistic did as he was asked, and infiltrated Vileplume's room while handing him a plate of cookies. Meowstic, however, could not find the book, so recorded the scene to show his boss so Meowstic didn't get fired. To prevent suspicions, he hustled out of the room, and timidly returned to Electivire. Meowstic projected what he saw.

What Electivire saw was devastating. The final straw. Inside the flickering flames of the fire was a rectangular shape. A brown shape. And a blue ribbon. His book! The rotten, obnoxious, filthy, diseased plant was burning - decimating - his book! His ideas... his life's work! How dare that plant! Electivire Screeched in despair, piercing the ears of every Pokemon on board. That plant will pay, and he will pay dearly.

Moves: Electric Terrain, Electro Ball, Screech, Psychic

That's a lot of words o.o;;;

It should be noted that I can't actually accuse anyone in this game, as I will know the killer (as a co-host) if it is not myself! I still can be killed though...

Wow, that's a lot of sign ups while at school xD I'll add you all to the OP in some minutes when I'm free. ^.^
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