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Cool Gallade and Gardevoir

A Cool Dude

Rogue is cool
Pokemon- 12

  • 4 ralts
    2 kirlia
    2 gardevoir
    2 gallade
    2 Mewtwo EX

    Trainers -35

    • 4 N
      3 Colress
      2 skyla
      3 Pokemon communication (i have alot of pokemon)
      3 level ball
      2 ultra ball
      4 rescue scarf
      4 rare candy
      4 catcher
      3 switch
      1 scramble switch
      2 Juniper

    Energy 13
    9 psychic
    4 dce

    So, the strategy is to set up a Gallade and Gardevoir ASAP and to use gallades attack to hit hard, and it uses gardevoir's ability to double the hit (it makes every psychic energy into two psychic energy. I have Gothitelle for back up attacker, and it also does benefit from gardevoir's ability very well. Mewtwo is for also easy back up attacker, and same with mew. -- I. Rescue scarf is because i have to run a 4-2-2/2 (2 gallade, 2 gardevoir) and so with rescue scarf i can get them back easy for a quick set up. I didnt add juniper because discarding my gardevoir/ gallade line would realy be bad. This is a really rough list i made, and i know could probably use some tweaking, so help me out! :) What do you think i should add/take out/ etc. Should i maybe try mew EX??? Thanks! :)

    Edit: Should i maybe try to add a 3-1-3 gothitelle line?
I think that you can remove Gothitelle all together and stick to mewtwo and gallade. I'm not sure what you could replace it with, but I just assume you would have a difficult time charging up two stage 2 Pokémon.
Oh my goodness i just realized i didnt even put rare candy!!!! >.< Gahhh, i was like half asleep when i made this list!

@ Darkshy : UPDATED!!! Alright, someone else said that to, so i think i might, and i shall add my 4 rare candy! So i added 4 rare candy, 1 energy and 2 juniper. Do you think thats good or not?

So i got recommended Sigilyph (ability) and i think it would be a good addition, for a EX counter. What do you think?