Coolart is back!

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RE: Neon Coolart! satisfaction money-back guarentee! (0 dollars)

Niether Am I.
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

Username: Gliscor
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [ ] Two, [ ] Three, [x] Four
Wich Characters:
Absol G Lv.X
Staraptor FB
Luxray GL
Empoleon FB
Color Scheme: Dark
Background (Colors): Black and a tint of red
Text (Color): Dark Destruction (In red)
Border: What you think works
435 (width) by 185 (height) (in pixels)
Other things:
-Can Absol stand out more than the other Pokemon, and the others are just together in the opposite direction
-Other Pokemon a little hard to see (but not too hard)

May I please have this? Thanks a ton!!!
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

As much as I hate to deny my long awaited first order, I only do one card image per tag. It is REALLY hard and annoying to render card images. It can take anywhere from 15-120 minutes to get a render right.
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

No offense sorry but this is NOT the most experienced art shop on first page.

Flygon999, please refrain from posting messages that aren't quite relevant to the discussion at hand. Time will test if this really is the most experienced art shop.

Thanks. -MylesPrower

sorry man, but it is the truth

lol I can take you on right NOW, why are you walking away?

Rewrite is 5 times better than you
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

Well Flygon, besides that being a spam post, this shop has the most orders of any other on the front page, and I'm pretty sure it has been around the longest. If you mean talent, I'll take you on anytime.
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

Not to butt in or anything but Soul Seeker's shops have been around the longest

*hides back in hole*
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

I said on the first page. Read the title.

To gliscor: Maybe I could do two images, and have the other two be non-card images.
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

:p As always, you're right, I'm wrong. XD. But I meant first page.

Anyways, I now do custom hand drawn art!
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

I'm actually working on an animation for you for your birthday so don't push it. It's a caroon music video based on that usertitle you used to have. It's been stuck in my head for weeks.

My name is panda. How do you do? I live in China. I eat bamboo.
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

Juliacoolo said:
I said on the first page. Read the title.

To gliscor: Maybe I could do two images, and have the other two be non-card images.

If that's the case, then the two images are Luxray GL and Absol G. Just like before, Absol G stands out more than Luxray GL. Thanks for accepting!!!
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

No problem, I'll try to have it finished by by thursday.
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

That's fine with me, since I'll barely be on tommorow.
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

Pandamore said:
Not to butt in or anything but Soul Seeker's shops have been around the longest

*hides back in hole*

this has nothing to do with anything, but i like yur avatar =D

If you find yourself saying "This has nothing to do with anything", then you probably shouldn't post it. Please keep 'spammy' posts like this to a minimum. This is perhaps what PM is for.

Thanks. -MylesPrower

^ i love how this forum is so strict about everything :)
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

Username: shouldn't you know? :/
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [x] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link) Jirachi, Celebi
Color Scheme: Anything that fits
Background (Colors): Anything that fits
Text (Color): Legendary Tales!
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[ ] Large, [x] Medium, [ ] Small Specify ______(with) _______Hight
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

Username: Umm... MetaNite
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [ ] Two, [ ] Three, [x] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link)Venusaur SV (Right), Wigglytuff GE (left), Skuntank G (left), Blaziken PL (left)
Color Scheme: green
Background (Colors): green, different shades
Text (Color): It's Allergy Season (White)
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[x] Large, [ ] Medium, [ ] Small Specify ______(with) _______Hight
RE: Coolart! The most experienced art shop on the first page!

42 chocolate said:
Username: shouldn't you know? :/
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [x] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link) Jirachi, Celebi
Color Scheme: Anything that fits
Background (Colors): Anything that fits
Text (Color): Legendary Tales!
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[ ] Large, [x] Medium, [ ] Small Specify ______(with) _______Hight
I have absolutely no clue what your username is ;P. I'll get to it toonight or monday. THANKS FOR READING THE FONTED, XXXLd, UNDERLINED, BOLDED, ITALICIESED, COLORED RULES.

MetaNite said:
Username: Umm... MetaNite
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [ ] Two, [ ] Three, [x] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link)Venusaur SV (Right), Wigglytuff GE (left), Skuntank G (left), Blaziken PL (left)
Color Scheme: green
Background (Colors): green, different shades
Text (Color): It's Allergy Season (White)
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[x] Large, [ ] Medium, [ ] Small Specify ______(with) _______Hight
Do I have to put gleaming arrows around the rules, and shove your face in your monitor? Read the rules! (Please and Thanks :p)