• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Cooro's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some PT cards and Old EXs. -[W]- PT Rares

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Previously Kaitou Cooro

(Table of Contents)
(1) Introduction
(2) Rules
(3) Special Cards
(4) DP Cards
(5) MT Cards
(6) SW Cards
(7) GE Cards
(8) MD Cards
(9) LA Cards
(10) SF Cards
(11) PT Cards
(12) RR Cards
(13) Trades Happening/Pending
(14) Referrals
(15) Traders to Beware
(16) Wants

Okay, I know my collection isn't that good, but bear with me, I just started collecting/playing around the time Secret Wonders came out. I DO have some older cards, as you can see in the Pre-DP section, and I also have alot of Base Set - Team Rocket, Expedition, EX Team Aqua/Magma, and a few others. So just ask, but I'd really rather not trade those cards at the time due to the fact they are in storage and I can't get to them.

Also, the current listings for the cards vary, as I haven't taken inventory in a while and my dog decided to make a snack out of a few cards I left out one day while I was out. I'll be editing this quite often, be it adding stuff, taking things away, or just restarting the list from scratch. I might even lock this when I get my inventory and everything settled so I can keep better track of anything. So keep in mind, what you see here might not be in my hands anymore, as I'm still too lazy to start inventory right away and change any of this. Thank you for reading (and hopefully understanding). ^^;;

Now, here are the RULES.
(1) Be reasonable. I don't have a price guide, so I can't tell if your offers are going to be of the same value of what you want.
(2) No scamming, ripping off, or anything. I will report if need be. I am patient, and if something comes up, I will wait, but I need a good reason.
(3) I will send first if you have more refs, then again, I guess I have to according to the rules here.
(4) Once we exchange addresses, the trade is finalized. Don't back out unless you have a good reason.
(5) Anything else of importance is in the rules for the forum and the Trading Corner.
(6) I will no longer trade over seas. Unless I know I can trust you, don't bother posting here if you live over seas, especially Portugal...I've been ripped off once, and as they say "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I don't feel like being fooled twice. This rule stays until people become more trust worthy, and in this world now, that will never happen.
(7) Please offer first. I will check your list and such, but I'd like to know what range you're planning on trading. It makes it easier for me to make a trade because it prevents me from being rejected (for the most part), and prevents you from being rejected also. Oh, and for now, I'm trading for only my wants. If you're not going to offer anything I want/need, don't bother unless it's a decent trade.
(8) This is the most important. If you plan on trading, starting July 25th of 2008, you need you type, in the colored order of Blue, Red, and Gray; Lucario and Darkrai. Blue for 'Lucario', Red for 'and', and Gray for 'Darkrai'. Not that hard. If you don't do this, I will ignore your post(s).

I'll add more rules if I need to.

That's all for now, so please browse and offer.



Special Cards:
1x Claydol GE (Italian. Want to trade it for an English copy)

Diamond And Pearl:

(Rare Holos)
1x Dusknoir
1x Electivire
1x Infernape
1x Empoleon
2x Luxray
1x Magnezone
2x Manaphy
2x Rhyperior
1x Roserade
1x Shiftry
1x Staraptor
2x Torterra

(Reverse Rares)
1x Beautifly
1x Gengar
2x Snorlax
1x Steelix
2x Vespiquen
1x Weavile

(Level X)
1x Infernape
1x Torterra (Tin)

Mysterious Treasures:

(Holo Rare)
2x Aggron
1x Alakazam
1x Blissey
1x Bronzong
3x Garchomp
1x Meganium
1x Tyranitar

(Reverse Rare)
1x Abomasnow
1x Ariados
1x Ninetales
1x Slaking
1x Sudowoodo
1x Walrein

(Level Xs)

1x Lucario (Tin)

Secret Wonders:

(Holo Rares)
3x Ampharos
2x Charizard
1x Entei
2x Flygon
3x Gardevoir
1x Gastrodon East Sea
1x Gastrodon West Sea
3x Ho-oh (Decked)
3x Jumpluff
2x Lickilicky
1x Lugia
1x Mew
2x Raikou
2x Roserade
3x Salamence
2x Suicune
2x Venusaur

(Reverse Rare)
1x Banette
1x Dugtrio
1x Minun
1x Furret (In Trade)
1x Electrode
1x Golem
1x Jynx
1x Nidoking
1x Wormadam (Sandy, Plant)

(Level Xs)

None at the moment

Great Encounters:

(Holo Rares)
1x Blaziken
1x Cresselia
3x Darkrai (One #3, Two #4)
1x Pachirisu
2x Porygon-Z
3x Togekiss (Decked)
1x Tangrowth

(Reverse Rare)

1x Altaria
1x Dialga
1x Lapras
1x Palkia (Theme Deck)
1x Weezing

(LV Xs)
None at the Moment.

Majestic Dawn:

(Rare Holos)

3x Articuno
3x Darkrai
4x Leafeon
4x Manaphy
1x Mewtwo
4x Moltres
1x Palkia

1x Leafeon (Theme Deck)
1x Minun
1x Plusle
1x Unown P
2x Ambipom
2x Fearow
2x Manectric
2x Monferno
1x Mothim
2x Pachirisu
1x Prinplup
1x Raichu
2x Scyther
1x Sudowoodo
3x Bronzor
1x Buneary
1x Burmy (Sandy Cloak)
1x Chingling
1x Croagunk
3x Eevee (#63)
1x Electrike
3x Hippopotas
1x Kabuto
1x Munchlax
1x Omanyte
2x Pikachu
2x Shellos (East Sea)
1x Starly
2x Stunky
2x Turtwig (#77)
1x Energy Restore
1x Mom's Kindness
2x Old Amber
2x Quick Ball
1x Super Scoop Up
1x Warp Point
1x Helix Fossil
1x Darkness Energy
1x Metal Energy

(Level Xs)
None at the moment.

Legends Awakened

(Holo Rares)

1x Froslass
2x Gliscor
1x Mamoswine
1x Regigigas
2x Yanmega (1 Japanese)

1x Bellossom
1x Crawdaunt
1x Delcatty
1x Deoxys (Attack, Defense, and Speed)
1x Groudon
1x Heatran (Metal)
1x Regigigas (Deck Holo)
1x Regirock
1x Torkoal
1x Victreebel
1x Vileplume
2x Drifblim
1x Ninjask
1x Piloswine
1x Seadra
1x Tentacruel
1x Camerupt
1x Torkoal
1x Dragonair
1x Hitmontop
1x Nosepass
1x Unown J
1x Gloom (Psychic)
1x Spoink
1x Misdreavus
1x Yanma
1x Vileplume
1x Corphish
1x Horsea
1x Seadra
1x Hitmontop
1x Nosepass
1x Oddish (Grass and Psychic)
1x Piloswine
1x Lanturn (Water)
1x Swinub
1x Spoink
1x Weepinbell
1x Yanma
1x Beldum (Metal Chain)
1x Stark Mountain
1x TM TS-1
1x TM TS-2

(Level Xs)
Gliscor LV X (Japanese, hoping to trade for an English copy)


(Holo Rares)

1x Mismagius
1x Raichu

2x Bibarel
1x Budew
1x Electrode (Radiance)
1x Farfetch'd
1x Grovyle
1x Haunter
1x Magneton (Elec)
1x Magneton (Metal)
2x Miltank
2x Piloswine
1x Pupitar
1x Skarmory
1x Staravia
1x Drifloon
1x Finneon
1x Magnemite (Elec)
1x Onix
1x Ponyta
1x Stunky
1x Tangela
1x Energy Link
1x Great Ball
2x Cyclone Energy

(LV X's/Shinies/Secret Rares)
1x Regigigas LV X (Japanese)
2x Heatran LV X (Japanese and English (Pack))
1x Machamp


(Holo Rares)
1x Blastoise
1x Blaziken
1x Dialga (Reverse Time)
1x Dialga (Time Aura)
2x Palkia G
2x Shaymin (Land Forme)
1x Shaymin (Sky Forme)
2x Slaking

(Reverse Holos)
1x Dustox
1x Kricketune
1x Mismagius
1x Carnivine (#68)
1x Looker's Investigation

(Secret Rares/Shinies/LV X)
1x Retro Scyther

Rising Rivals

(Holo Rares)
2x Rampardos GL
1x Lucario GL

(Reverse Holos)
1x Aron
1x Gastrodon (East Sea)
1x Walrein
1x Tropius

(LV Xs/Secret Rares)
None at the moment...

Trade Referrals:

Referral Thread

Trades Happening:

Anything from Platinum, DPt2, and DPt3 (HIGHEST WANT)
Any LV Xs (Collection Want!)
RT2-6 (RR) (High Collection Want)
Shiny Pokemon from DPt1 and DPt2 (Collection Want)

Raichu GL (RR), Lucario GL (RR), Gallade 4 (RR) (Deck Wants)
Rare Candies (Deck Want)
Cynthia's Feelings (Deck Want)
Looker's Investigation (Deck Want)

Unopened packs of Platinum and Rising Rivals.
Japanese Deck Boxes.
Japanese Sleeves.
Mini-Plush Toys. (Specifically Shaymin (Normal and Sky Form(e)s (Most Wanted)), Lucario, Arceus, and Darkrai)

[I'll post more when I think of something else, same with my wants list.]​
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread

I want your 1x Porygon-Z G, 1x Togekiss, 1x Tangrowth, 1x Pachirisu, and my thread is right on my signature....
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread

CML for anything you have under my WANTS list. Thanks!:)
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With GE Cards-

Bump for trades, please ._.;

RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With GE Cards-

CML for Pachirisu GE and Togekiss GE.
Thanks in advance.
I live overseas btw.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With GE Cards-

Please check my list for:

2 Porygon-Z GE
1 Pachirisu GE

Let me know, thanks.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With GE Cards-

Would you be willing to sell the Pachirisu GE? If so how much?
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With GE Cards-

Can you CML for your GE Pachirisu, and if you dont see anything plz LMK how much you can sell it for, if you sell cards. Thanks
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

CML for the below please 'n' thank you

2x Rhyperior

1X Golem

1x Espeon
1x Glaceon
1x Leafeon (Deck)
1x Umbreon
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

I like:

Mysterious Treasures:
(Holo Rare)
2x Garchomp - Medium

Majestic Dawn:
(Rare Holos)
1x Glaceon - Medium
2x Leafeon - Medium
4x Phione - HIGH
1x Porygon-Z LV X - Medium

I have:

Darkrai LV X (High Want) - I have set or a TIN version
Darkrai Deckbox (JPN)
Gallade x2 (x1 Reg Holo)(x1 JPN)

Make an offer please!!
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

I like Cresselia X, Palkia X, and Porygon Z X. I have Gardevoir lvl X (x2) And Gallades and other stuff. LMK! I also need x1 Leafeon MD. LMK!
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

Hey I need your:

2x Phione

(Reverse Rares)
1x Glaceon

CML for them. Thanks.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

I need your porygon-z LV.X cml amd lmk.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

Do you have a Claydol GE? You only have posted your holo rares... Anyway, would you mind checking my list for these? =)
Claydol GE x1 (if you have him)
Glaceon MD #5 x1 (RH or not, doesn't matter)
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