Finished Count to 50 Before Staff Posts

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RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

Sixteen, now we're picking up speed!
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

I was busy with Chariblaze so you got higher that time.
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

Three Four, "busy with Chariblaze"....that must be some kind of code that mods use....
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

nah, him and I wanted to try and do the battle subway together but it doesn't let you.:(
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

One, "him and I" that correct grammar? Probably, I'm no good at that stuff anyway lol.
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