Finished Count to 50 Before Staff Posts

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RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

Fifity. There, the rules don't say it had to be all the way. It just says make a chain, it doesn't say it can't be missing a few links.
I mean 2.
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

Three, yes, but does it feel satisfying to just post fifty?
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

Eight, never is an extremely strong word, I don't think it's going to happen soon, but I bet we can get to fifty before the week is over. ;)
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

I hate IV and nature breeding.

RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

One, yeah we got this. You should come up with a punishment for me if we can't get to fifty by the end of the week. xD
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