Finished Count to 50 Before Staff Posts

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RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

18... Breaking your trading things chain. Also I have 50 legit shinys, so yeh.
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

Man, I never realized how much I missed playing Pokémon -- I hadn't played the games in over 4 years before I got Black last week.

And I also never realized how much I like combo breaking!
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

Two, this will end when the members get more active, tomorrow....maybe....?
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

Nope...we're always watching!
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)


Pokemon is my second life. I don't know where I'd be without it.
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

Two, it's weird for me to say pokemon is my life, but same here, I don't know what I'd be doing for fun without pokemon.
RE: Count to 50 Before Staff Posts (Open, YPPY)

/me uses Slash on thread.

Try again.
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