Finished Count to 50 Before Staff Posts

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Sorry safari, president's orders. 1
safariblade said:
If TC counts, the Professors count I would think.

They would be in the first post if they counted. They don't mod. Mod=Staff

"dmaster SMASH!!!!!!" O_O

dmaster out.
Afro-G said:
Yeah but Trade Council is staff, wouldn't Professors qualify too...?


No. You don't get it. They don't have mod (read: staff) powers in that forum. Being able to reply is just one special privilege. They can't warn. They _don't_ count. We've been over this like when the thread was first made months ago...(Idk if he intended to break that chain, but if he was, he knows not to do it again.)

Also, @ShadowLugia, my response:

woop woop woop woop woop

"dmaster SMASH!!!!!!" O_O

dmaster out.
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