Finished Count to a 1000! (It's back!)

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Bellomence said:
Ryan"TheSeaKing" said:
well i want 420 days of more life , hopefully i can get more X_X

Why not eat vegetables tommorrow afternoon then longer your life into 421 days.

well then i wouldnt have 422 , so ill eat MORE! , thank god i got me new job yesterday maybe i can work there at least 422 days. MORE MONEY MORE VEGI'S!
Ryan"TheSeaKing" said:
Bellomence said:
Ryan"TheSeaKing" said:
well i want 420 days of more life , hopefully i can get more X_X

Why not eat vegetables tommorrow afternoon then longer your life into 421 days.

well then i wouldnt have 422 , so ill eat MORE! , thank god i got me new job yesterday maybe i can work there at least 422 days. MORE MONEY MORE VEGI'S!

As long as you continue eating Vegi's which longers your life, it can also be extended even up to 423, believe me.
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