Finished Count to a 1000! (It's back!)

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I have liked Pokemon for 644 milliseconds, 645 Seconds, 646 minutes, 647 hours, 648 days, 649 weeks, 650 months, 651 years and I like it 652 times more than you, and will like it till the 653rd millennium.

Beat that.

- ZD
I will like pokemon in the 656th millennium, I will be on this site for 657 seconds, I will be bored for 658 seconds, I could say you have 659 hours to live, but I don't know that for sure, I will bounce a ball 660 times, no 661, no , 662, no, 663, no, 664, no, 665, no, 666, no..Oh crap I said 66......NOOOOOOOOOOOOO HELP ,MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee..!!
i will bounce the empire state building 667 times, no 668, no 669, no 670, no 671, no 672, no 673, no 674, no 675, no 676, no 677, no 678, no 679, no 680, no 681, no 682, no 683, no 684, no 685, no 686, no 687, no 688, no 689, no 690, no 691, no 692, no 693, no 694, no 695, no 696, no 697, no 698, no 699, no 700 times yay beat that
I ate 702 donughts for breakfast, no 703, no 704, no 705, no 706, no 707, no 708, no 709, no 710, no 711, no 712, no 713, no 714, no 716, no 717, no 718, no 719, no 720.

Ya I was starving! Considering I pucked 721 times before all that then 722 after all those donughts.
I existed for at least 721 seconds, 722 minutes, 723 hours, 724 days, 725 weeks, 726 months, 727 years, 728 decades, 729 centuries, and 730 millenia.
I killed him after living for 731 seconds, 732 minutes, 733 hours, 734 weeks, 735 months, 736 years, 737 decades, 738 centuries and 739 millenia.
Then I died 740 times.

- ZD
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