Finished Count to a 1000! (It's back!)

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806 times lord (princess) ombra has told everyone that he is a lifeless entity and 807 times I've told him it's lame
I am a lifeless enity officially for 811 hours, 812 minutes, 813 seconds, 814 milliseconds, 815 microseconds, and 816 nanoseconds.
Beachdudelbi is wrong; I have lived for 821 millenia before becoming a lifeless entity, and have come back to life again. I am alive again for 823 minutes.
I am alive again, for the 846th time! And don't make me make that an 847th! (Yes, that counts.)
i am going to buy 849 copies of SSBB, my dad is going to buy 850, my mom 851, and my sister is going to buy 852 copies!!!!
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