Finished Count to a 1000! (It's back!)

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sonicyellow said:
if we got to 1000... wouldn't that mean there would be 1000 posts? with these 3 extras... theres only 834...

You have to remember how many posts there are allowed per page...
Okay, I'm going to try to clear up the confusion:

We aren't at post #1000 because it doesn't work like that. Okay? The first post doesn't count as a post for one thing, and look at the other count to 1000 thread. THAT one didn't have 1000 replies.
thats b cause the ppl there skipped numbers or did more than one at a time or double posted

i had to explain this to 835 ppl
Fine, I'll play along, even though we already counted to 1000 -_-.

836 people won't understand MyBB code posting -_-
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