Finished Count to Ten Season 8 ~ Counting Cards

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9, 10, 11

Not targeting anyone, just ensuring it's not me. Turns out it was a good idea to play the big round card because if Mariano hadn't used his count backwards card I would've landed on 10 :p
18, 19

Playing Reverse:

The order of the players is inverted (if the order was descendant through the list, it’s now ascendant, or vice versa).


But, I'll be playing this card:

Greedy bet
During your next turn (this round or the next one), if you say the losing number, you are not eliminated from the game and you eliminate up to 2 other players of your choice. But if you are not able to say the losing number during your next turn, you’ll be immediately eliminated. This card can not be used after there are only 4 players remaining.

I will eliminate @Fiery_Lugia and @Pokefam
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