Counter a deck Magmortar with a GG?


Aspiring Trainer
Hello !

I wanted to ask, what is the best tech to counter Magkiss, Magmortar/Typhlosion/Delcatty or Magmortar/Claydol.

- First, if I attak with a Gardy, then I know that with Psylock I can stop the powers, and then slow down the magmortar's energy construction.

But what could I do when I'm attacking with Gallade?

- Usually this kind of decks need some pokemons on the bench, so there's Dusknoir for example. But a good player will not fall 2 times in the same trick I think.

- Can use Dugtrio to protect the bench, and stay protected of Magmortar snipe attack.

- Battle Frontier can stop Delcatty or Togekiss to use their powers.

Is there another ways to counter Mag?
Personally, I think Milotic GE is the best card used to counter Magmortar Lv.X since it has a weakness advantage, is immune to Lv.X's, and can remove energies from Magmortar.
Miliotic is no where near as good as it first seems, especially against Magmortar, when you flip 2 tails then they snipe out all your bench...
if it was "50 - flip a coin if heads discard an energy" it'd be good, but the chance of doing nothing is a waste of 3 energy.
I think so, Milotic is good in a water deck at least.

It's the same for ER2, it doesn't work 1 time on 2.
As a Magmorter player, I frequently go against GG. When I lose, it is usually because Furret stalls whilst they set up, and then they OHKO two Magorters. That leaves me with one left, being easily Sonic Bladed. After that, I just can't recover.
Abaxter -- do you have an effective tech against GG, or just hope for really good starts? It's the one deck my maggy deck has trouble taking down.