Counter That Deck

RE: Counter That Deck!

M aggron/ Bronzong/ Dialga/ Beartic/ Dedenne/ Keledo EX

The metal pokemon will take care of the fairy pokemon easily and beartic is to help with fire pokemon. Dedenne help to set up and for yveltal EX and keldeo EX for switching effects.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Magcargo AT/Bats/Enhanced Hammer/Blacksmith/Virbank

Magcargo 1-hit KOs all the steel EXs, while the Bats are primarily to take out the weaker threats such as Dedenne and Bronzong, and Beartic occasionally. Blacksmith is to power Magcargo, while Virbank allows for even more damage. Hammers are there primarily to destroy and special energy that sees play.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Glacion from Flash fire/Leafeon/ Flareon/ Plasma Kyurem/ Garbador/ Evosodas to get evoultions out quicker.

Glacion can do alot of damage to water weak pokemon like Magcargo, Kyurem can also be used as a means of doing big damage and also doing to bench damage to the bats. Leafeon is a good colorless grass attacker, Flareon pairs well with leafeon so i figured why not throw that in there as well. Garbador to shut off the bats abilities
RE: Counter That Deck!

Wobbats w/ Laserbank, Muscle Band, Lysandre, Dimension Valley, & AZ
Lysandre out Trubbish and hit with Laser/Wobbuffet to eliminate Garbodor playability.
Bats/AZ take care of 1/2 their* HP and wobbuffet takes out any opposition.
crobat is a backup attacker, and very useful sniper...

RE: Counter That Deck!

Straight Mega Manteric and Max Potion. T2 Mega Manetric, Lysandre up anything and give it a OHKO. Max Potion is to stop the effects of those pesky bats!!!!!
RE: Counter That Deck!

Landorus EX, Hawlucha, Silent Lab (to let Hawlucha hit for weakness). Everything attacks for only one energy and hits M Manectric for weakness.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Plasma Beartic/Flareon/Leafeon

Beartic takes care of Landorus easily while Hawlucha can't touch it. Flareon and Leafeon are colorlress type advantage (Flareon takes care of Metal attackers and Leafeon deals with the primals)
RE: Counter That Deck!

Empoleon (w/ Silver Mirror)
Nothing can touch Empoleon because of Silver Mirror and type advantage over Flareon.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Genesect-EX / Manectric-EX / Keldeo-EX + Float Stone

Lure out a mirror on the Empoleon by starting with Genesect, and then hit with Manectric for huge damage and 1-hit KOs, or even with Genesect when necessary.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Blaziken PRC-FUF / Reshiram LTR / Silent Lab

Blaziken snipes out Benched Pokemon and gets strong support from Ancient Torchic, Spreadiken, and Blacksmith. It hits Genesect for Weakness as well. Reshiram can't be OHKO'd by a Manectric and can hit it for a decent amount. Silent Lab stops Keldeo-EX and Genesect-EX
RE: Counter That Deck!

Quad Seismitoad. Muscle band, Hard charm, Max Potion, Mountain Ring. Grenade hammer will kill everything.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Ancient Trait Medicham PCL/Machamp FUF/Fighting Stadium/Strong Energy/Muscle Band

Rare Candy allows Machamp to Setup turn 2...
Medicham + Fighting Stadium + Strong Energy x2 + Muscle Band + 2 Machamp FUF + Ancient Trait =
300 damage

kills so fast seismitoad cant react fast enough
RE: Counter That Deck!

Plasma Espeon / Wobbuffett / Dimension Valley

They both hit for weakness and with DV can attack for 1 energy. More importantly, Espeon can snipe Machops and Meditites for weakness before they have a chance to evolve. If Machamp does evolve, Wobbuffett shuts down the ability.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Latios-EX from XY6

Gourgiest PHF/Caitlin/Alottadrawcards/Grass Energy/Dimension Vally

Gourgiest hits everything for weakness and can be a huge struggle to take down when ~60 damage is the amount that can be done. Wobbuffet doesn't shut off Gourgiet's ability due to being a [P] type. By drawing a lot of cards, you can make full potential of its attack, while Caitlin allows constant replacing of cards you don't need.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Yveltal EX/ Landorus EX/ Yveltal

Yveltal EX and Yveltal hit gourgiest for weakness and Landorus EX has yveltal EX's back.
RE: Counter That Deck!

M Manectric EX / Kyurem / Mewtwo EX / Seismitoad EX / Rough Seas

M Manectric can OHKO everything in the deck, except for Landorus, which hits Manectric hard, but with counter Stadiums and Jamming Net, more often than not, not hard enough. The deck also has Water attackers to deal with Landorus as well.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Suicune/Teammates Engine (Teammates + Robo Subs) + other supporter draw/Aegislash-EX

Send out Robo Subs for stalling, and then Safeguard with Suicune which walls against everything except Kyurem. Whenever Kyurem gets put out, I can just switch into Aegislash to hit for weakness KO with just one [M] energy. Suicune also takes the healing from Rough Seas.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Flareon and Friends. Battle Compressor for quick set up. Flareon OHKO's Aegislash and Leafeon can hit Suicine for weakness.
RE: Counter That Deck!

Gengar EX / Trevenant / Silver Mirror / Lysandre's Trump Card

Item lock hurts Flareon, and Silver Mirror makes it really hard to deal with Trevenant. If you have Trevenant Active and play Trump Card, it's essentially gg. Keldeo EX / Float Stone to free retreat for days.