Counter to Machamp Reuniclus

A counter isn't needed. The deck is too slow. And, Machamp is KO'd by RDl, and Badboar. Zoroark cn sometimes KO it. And, where will the get all the damage to put on there bench, if you make them attack first. Don't attack champ until you can KO it. there are pluspowers for Reshiram and ekrom, but with either of those decks, you will probably out speed them. Zkerom gets set-up T1, Reshiboar T3. Machamp Reuniclus, T5, unless you get really lucky. Donchamp you can worry about, but not Reuniclus Machamp. It is just to slow.
also I forgot that they don't have energy acceleration at all (not even faux-pas acceleration with donphan to move fighting)... who cares if they take 2-3 prizes on cleffas, you revenge ko his machamp with ALL his energy and you win. Reshiboar will have no problem with it. Samurott will have trouble with it; being able to hit for not enough - Zekrom will probably win due to lots of KO's... especially after catcher is released.

Any bench sitters will be bad with catcher, except with gothitelle (but even then you cant afford another S2)
glaceon said:
A counter isn't needed. The deck is too slow. And, Machamp is KO'd by RDl, and Badboar. Zoroark cn sometimes KO it. And, where will the get all the damage to put on there bench, if you make them attack first. Don't attack champ until you can KO it. there are pluspowers for Reshiram and ekrom, but with either of those decks, you will probably out speed them. Zkerom gets set-up T1, Reshiboar T3. Machamp Reuniclus, T5, unless you get really lucky. Donchamp you can worry about, but not Reuniclus Machamp. It is just to slow.

Hehe. T5 setup...Machamp/Reuniclus...Donphan comes EQing T2, and the Machamp comes T3. You only set up Reuniclus as you're tanking. So yea.
it's super easy to have a stage 1 and a stage 2 by turn 3. And magneboar is not the only magnezone deck. Pachirisu pairs very well with magnezone.
When red collection comes out you could catcher out their reuniclus's and knock em out possibly slowing them down.
^Don't even bother playing Reuniclus when Catcher comes out lol. I was one of the founders of Champiclus, and I knew from the beginning that it'll really only see good play for nats.
The problem with this deck is not getting your stuff killed before setting up. I would consider running Pichu - because who cares how much they get set up, there's two things that will happen:

1: They can kill you in one hit
2: You move all the damage away over and over.

The problems are that Attacking emboar OHKOs you, and that magnezone CAN ohko you. Otherwise, you're set.