• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Country Shipping Prefix Tags

Brave Vesperia

Forum Smod
Forum Super Mod
Forum Mod
These are prefix tags to put in your threads here in the Marketplace. These are for specifying what country you are from and where you ship right in the thread title. This will make it easier on non-US members or members who only ship within their own country.

We are requiring you include this in your thread(s). You can edit the below tags into your thread title by selecting "Full Edit" on the first post of your trade thread/sales thread. You will no longer be required to list your country as the first line of your trade thread after you have added a prefix tag to your thread title.

The prefix tags you can select from are as follows:

US only - Means you are located in the United States and only trade within the United States.
US & Canada - Means you are located in the United States or Canada and only trade within the United States and Canada.
Mexico - Means you are located in Mexico and only trade within Mexico.
UK - Means you are located in the United Kingdom and only trade within the United Kingdom.
Canada - Means you are located in Canada and only trade within Canada.
Europe - Means you are located in Europe and only trade within Europe.
Asia - Means you are located in Asia and only trade within Asia.
Japan - Means you are located in Japan and only trade within Japan.
S. America - Means you are located in South America and you only trade within South America.
Australia - Means you are located in Australia and only trade within Australia.
US, WW - You are located in the United States and ship worldwide.
Mexico, WW - You are located in Mexico and ship worldwide.
UK, WW - You are located in the United Kingdom and ship worldwide.
Canada, WW - You are located in Canada and ship worldwide.
Europe, WW - You are located in Europe and ship worldwide.
Asia, WW - You are located in Asia and ship worldwide.
Japan, WW - You are located in Japan and ship worldwide.
S. America, WW - You are located in South America and ship worldwide.
Australia, WW - You are located in the Australia and ship worldwide.

If you are not covered by any of these prefix tags, please PM me or any of the other Marketplace Mods.

Thanks for reading!

- Brave Vesperia