Ruling Couple of questions


Aspiring Trainer
Okay so, I have some questions since Im a bit out dated regarding some rulings.

First off, let's say is my turn and I attack with my active pokemon, killing my opponent's pokemon right away, but at the exact time my pokemon dies too (for example by the fault of Rocky Helmet), so who (me or my opponent) has to send the active pokemon first and why?

Second, if the time runs out and this is the last duel of the match, and both players have a win (1-1), and both have the same numbers of prices, what is right course of action? Declaring a draw? sudden death? determinate the winner by other means (like number of cards in the hand, or pokemons in bench), etc? I would like a clarification on which case is appropiate to call sudden death or draw also.

Third and final, does old cards like Wally's Training ('s-training.jpg) bypass the clause of no evolutions the turn a pokemon is put in play? What about attacks like ascension, or pokepowers?

Thanks a lot in advance for the responces.
1) I never remember how this works, so I'll let someone else answer

2) There are two possible answers. If you both have drawn at least 3 prizes, then you must play to next prize. Whoever gets that prize wins. On the other hand, if neither of you have drawn three prizes, then the third game does not count. The person who won the first game wins the match.

3) Yes, cards like this do bypass the normal rules for evolution. However I think thats the only Trainer/supporter, because Pokemon breeder says you can't use it on the first turn, and rare candy is now errat'd to say you can't.
This is sourced from an old rulebook.

If your active Pokemon and your opponent's active Pokemon are Knocked Out at the same time, the player whose turn it is replaces his or her Pokemon last. The player whose turn it is chooses his or her Prize as well.
Actually on the second question. Game three counts as soon as it starts. So, if time is called during game three you do the 0-1-2-3 rule. After that, if someone is ahead on prizes they win game three and the overall match. If both players are tied after turn three you then play until someone draws the next prize and they are the winner.

If you finish game two and the score becomes 1-1 but don't start game three (meaning you draw your cards and set up completely) before time is called, then you go into sudden death. Which then both players start a new match with one prize and first to take it wins.

The rule about having to take four or more prizes for the game to count only applies to game two.

Edit: Fixed. >.< I got some things backwards. Thanks DNA for posting that.
Only answering question 2 as the rest have been answered completely.

Quoted from section 22.3 of the POP Tournament Rules:
  • If the last turn ends during game 3, the player with the fewest Prize cards remaining wins game 3 and wins the match.
  • If both players have the same number of Prize cards remaining, the game continues until one player has fewer prize cards remaining than the other. The player with the fewest prize cards left wins game 3 and wins the match.
  • If both players draw their last Prize card (or Knock Out their opponent’s last Pokémon) at the same time, refer to the “What Happens if Both Players Win at the Same Time?” section of the Pokémon TCG rulebook. If necessary, follow the Single Prize Sudden Death rules as outlined in the Pokémon TCG rulebook, including flipping a coin again to see who goes first. The winner of this Single Prize Sudden Death wins game 3 and wins the match.

First what happens is that, after time is called, there are 3 more turns after that as normal (Time + 3). Then after the 3rd turn, count prizes. If they both have the same number of prizes, play continues until one player is ahead on prizes; at that very moment, the winner is declared. (If there's something like a double knockout and both players take 1 prize, keep going.)

There are only three win conditions that you check for (four if you count Lost World) - prize count, empty bench, and empty deck. You just keep going until one of those conditions is fulfilled. (In the case of prize count, after Time+3, it becomes "next prize wins".)

If I didn't answer your question completely, send me a PM with any other concerns you have.