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Cradily and Friends [Haxorus/Garchomp]


3 Virizion EX
4-2 Cradily MC
0-0-2 Garchomp DX
0-0-2 Haxorus MC
0-0-1 Empoleon DE
0-0-1 Klinklang BW

4 Root Fossil
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Switch
2 Silver Bangle
1 Super Rod
1 Dowsing Machine
4 N
3 Caitlin
3 Skyla
3 Professor Juniper
2 Twist Mountain

4 Grass Energy
2 Fighting Energy
2 Metal Energy
4 Blend Energy WLFM

Cards: 60

So, after seeing the translations for the Megalo Cannon cards, I almost immediately fell in love with Cradily. It has so much potential to be a great deck and has so many options open to it, so I went ahead and threw together a quick deck to show what it might look like.

Strategy is simple enough. Start off with Virizion, get out a Lileep T1, then get energy going onto it T2 after hopefully evolving it. By T3 you can get three Stage 2's set up and ready to knock things off through numerous ways; Garchomp can do ridiculous damage and discard Blends and DCEs with Mach Cut, Haxorus can literally rip Thundurus/Deoxys to shreads with Master Blow and can rip other things apart by having Klinklang move Metal Energy to it to feed Dragon Axe, and Empoleon can add some drawing power while also being able to hit hard for a single energy like Garchomp.

Virizion-EX - Grass - HP170
Basic Pokemon

Ability: Spring Breeze
Pokemon with [G] Energy attached to them cannot be affected by Special Conditions. (Remove all Special Conditions from your Pokemon with [G] Energy attached to them.)

[G][C] Emerald Slash: 50 damage. You can attach 2 [G] Energy from your deck to one of your Benched Pokemon. If you do, shuffle your deck afterwards.

When Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Water (-20)
Retreat: 1
Lileep - Grass - HP80
Restored - Put this card onto your Bench only with the effect of Root Fossil

Ability: Call of the Ancient
Once during your turn (before your attack), if this card is in your discard pile, you may place it on the bottom of your deck.

[G][C] Spiral Drain: 20 damage. Heal 10 damage from this Pokemon.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Water (-20)
Retreat: 2
Cradily - Grass - HP120
Stage 1 - Evolves from Lileep

[G] Life Explosion: For each Energy attached to this Pokemon, search your deck for a Stage 2 Pokemon and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
[G][C] Spiral Drain: 60 damage. Heal 20 damage from this Pokemon.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Water (-20)
Retreat: 2
Haxorus - Dragon - HP140
Stage 2 - Evolves from Fraxure

[M] Dragon Axe: 40x damage. This attack does 40 damage times the number of [M] Energy attached to this Pokemon.
[F][M] Master Blow: If the Defending Pokemon is a Team Plasma Pokemon, it is Knocked Out.

Weakness: Dragon (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2
Root Fossil - Trainer

Look at the bottom 7 cards of your deck. You may reveal a Lileep you find there and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle the other cards back into your deck.

You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
Silver Bangle - Trainer

Pokemon Tool: Attach a Pokemon Tool to 1 of your Pokemon that doesn't already have a Pokemon Tool attached to it.

If the Pokemon this card is attached to is not a Pokemon-EX, its attacks do 30 more damage to the active Pokemon-EX.

You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
Caitlin - Trainer

Return any number of cards from your hand to the bottom of your deck in any order you like. Then, draw an equal number of cards.

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).
That was quick...
I'd say drop recycles. Too luck based. I would drop Twist Mountain, but it can counter Virbank, so it's fine.
so -3 Recycle
+1 Juniper
+2 Lileep

You need to maximize the discard Lileep, CoA, Root Fossil combo. You can't actually start with Lileep, but you need to discard it asap. Iris isn't that great. Supporter for damage isn't good. sooooooo
-2 Iris
+2 Juniper
Juniper will always be the best supporter. Always. Especially in a deck like this where you maximize discarding. Think of Ho-Oh. It's kind of like that. however, with Magnezone, I guess it isn't as much of a necessity, but still.
-1 Caitlin
+1 Super Rod

Super Rod is a necessity with your Stage 2 lines.
You might try using energy other than blends. They work well but I wouldn't have a smorgasboard of attackers running on 4 blend energy. Your to likely to miss it
Ah, I mainly put Recycles in there in case I needed back Blends or something, but with normal Energy in there too it wouldn't be as bad, especially with Super Rod. I'm wondering what else I could drop for the Energy though, I'm thinking one of the Catchers, a Float Stone and a Grass Energy to put in 2 Fighting and a Metal since that would be as much as I need to have enough for Haxorus and Garchomp at one time, but then I'd wonder if sticking some Energy Search in here would be worth it as well...
You may try Blastoise/Embora whit Magnezone and one Attacker like Charizard, DCE and 1 Grass let you put 3 Stage 2 on the bench, VErizion yes but the NV one to draw cards, you will mulligan several times.
I love your deck already~! Similar to what I had in my mind =D

Blend Energy here is great IMO, I might want to run the Klinklang (Shift Gear) to take advantage of the blend energy, by dropping 1 Haxorus.

Since Haxorus second attack only work on Plasma pokemon, if you encounter a deck which have no Plasma pokemon, your Haxorus aren't going to help you much.

Secondly, I might also want to add 1 switch (I know you have float stone...), If your opponent have more than 1 Tool Scrapper in the deck or something that can get Tool Scrapper back from discard pile, most of your pokemon can't retreat.
Oh snap, I forgot about Klinklang! Hmmm... I might want to drop the Magnezone and Iris then, Magnezone wouldn't really be useful until late game anyway and being able to manipulate those Blends around would definitely solve being a tad low on useable energy for Haxorus and Garchomp... so I could do something like...

-1 Magnezone
-2 Iris

+1 Klinklang
+2 Switch/Metal Energy/Max Potion??

I definitely want to keep two copies of my two main attackers in here just in case of prizes, and by the time we get this set I have a strong feeling PlasmaBox will be running around everywhere like crazy, so I don't want any chances of not being able to blow through all of their Pokemon.
Thunder Crown said:
If you have 3 basics and all of them get prized, what do you do?
All basics can never be prized, you put prizes after you have your starter active. ._.
Anyway this really does need mofification, 3 basics means a load of mulligans, that's just not ok at all. Only 4 blend are not enough for attacking at all. The attackers might not be not enough toolbox-y with only a Plasma counter and another attacker.
I put only Virizion in here so that I'm absolutely guaranteed to get it out there T1, and I can very easily N away a massive opponent's hand because of mulligans. (granted I go first, if I don't then there might be a problem) If I put in a ton of basics, I jeopardize being able to get Virizion AND Lileep out there T1. Tornadus-Therian EX could work as another starter, but all it becomes later is bench space taken up or 2 prizes for the opponent.

Also, went ahead and dropped the Magenzone/Iris for Klinklang and one each of Metal and Fighting Energy. I definitely want to see if I can fit Max Potion in here now.
Since someone brought up the concern about mulligans, have you thought of Ghetsis**. That way you might be able to get a T2 Cradily faster. Since most of the cards in the deck are quite new, so it's better to try out first to see if Ghetsis is a good fit here.

**Ghetsis (Supporter) #101/116 Plasma Freeze
Your opponent reveals his or her hand and shuffles all item cards found in there into his or her deck. Then draw a number of cards equal to the number of Item cards you opponent shuffles into his or her deck.**
If you're running Silver Bangle, use SWITCH, not float stone. Ghetsis could be useful to blast catchers away, I agree with moon281.

And maybe 4 Virizion?

Flygon could be used to add on a few damage counters in circulation, but it's probably not worth it. Anyways, I realized duskonoir is awesome, with kingdra you do 90 for one energy, it's so terrifying. :D

I personally would use dowsing machine, it just seems better.

Also, it is possible to use other cards, maybe kingdra?
Also, are you only using Haxorus for "Master Blow" or "Axe thingambobthatthundercrowncantremember"? Axe Crusher is kind of like X ball, So ??? I really dunno.

Not only that, but i really realized you don't have enough supporters. :(
Oh, how do you guys think adding Shaymin EX as a starter would work? It would increase the Basic count for less mulligans, and keep the energy accel. Plus, Virizion EX needs two energy to be able to attach to Lileep/Cradily while Shaymin can start right away, but the HP drop could possibly hurt some...

Victini EX would work in a deck that would run the other type of Blend Energy, but adding Fire/other Blend Energy in here too would only create more inconsistency.
SHAYMIN? oh how adorable but NO JK thats possibly good, i dunno. Vict is possible, but highly unlikely to be good.
Shaymin EX is good at late game, not at start.
Yes, you did make a good point on 1 energy to boost the energy part, but other than that, you will have to retreat it back to bench quick, once Shaymin is out in play, it will become a great target just because it's an easy knock EX (110HP). No one will let it sit on the bench and get ready for revenge blast.

You may find this is a good combination in the deck, but IMO, having 1 is enough or acceptable.

Theres a stage 2, you might want to play, Empoleon from Dark Explorers ^^ As a counter weakness of fire; also you may take advantage of it's ability to help you draw!
Empoleon? Maybe, if there's enough deck space, yes! It lets the cradily hiding on the bench to add 10 damage, and can do 20-120 damage for one Energy! and it only needs one energy for ALL of it's attacks, it also lets duskonoir add 1 and klingklang add 1 = 50-120 damage. It's like Kingdra+ Duskonoir, 90 for one water guranteed , YAY