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Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 02-22*

RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

Hey I have

B&W RH Wants:
41. Blitzle
43. Zebstrika
56. Duosion
64. Krokorok
101. Professor Juniper

Old Metal Pikachu
Shaymin & Jirachi

I like your CoL and Unleashed Houndoom Holos. I also like Palkia and Dialga Legend Top
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

Dark Raichu Legendary Collection RH
(Other stuff)


CML and let me know! Thanks!
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

Crazar said:
You seem to be looking at my want list. I did check out your list, though, and I have cards from the older sets that you might be interested in. If you would like me to check, please let me know. Thanks!

Yea sorry about that! I'd really be interested in some of the older cards, I have some of your BW RH needs I think as well. CML and let me know.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

forneyuntd said:
Hey I have

B&W RH Wants:
41. Blitzle
43. Zebstrika
56. Duosion
64. Krokorok
101. Professor Juniper

Old Metal Pikachu
Shaymin & Jirachi

I like your CoL and Unleashed Houndoom Holos. I also like Palkia and Dialga Legend Top

Could you please describe your Dialga and Shaymin/Jirachi coins to me? *Color of Shaymin/Jirachi coin-Color and style (Face on, or profile) of Dialga coin* Thanks!

BlastBurn- Could you shoot me that list of Legendary RH's, Please? Thanks!

NarcoticHobo- I have went through one box of cards *still working on two others* and have come up with these from your wants-

Gym Challenge- #114, #58, #48, #35, #51, #94, #39
Gym Hero's- #118, #30
Base 2- #72

Please let me know if you are still interested......Thanks!
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

They are both just plastic and silver. Both of the coins show the pokemons faces and that is about it. Also, do you have any holo cards from Aquapolis/Skyridge/or Expedition?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

Crazar said:
NarcoticHobo- I have went through one box of cards *still working on two others* and have come up with these from your wants-

Gym Challenge- #114, #58, #48, #35, #51, #94, #39
Gym Hero's- #118, #30
Base 2- #72

Please let me know if you are still interested.....Thanks!

I'm still interested, I'm missing a bunch of common/uncommons from those sets :)

So far from your wants list I have Hitmonchan RH CoL and Duosion RH BW. I also should have a RH Liepard in the next week or so, but its not in hand yet. You are free to look over my list and see if there is anything else you are interested in. I'd love to trade for a big chunk of what i'm missing.
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

forneyuntd said:
They are both just plastic and silver. Both of the coins show the pokemons faces and that is about it. Also, do you have any holo cards from Aquapolis/Skyridge/or Expedition?

Ok...I have those three coins, but I am still interested in the cards.....I will check to see if I have any holos from those other three sets as well.....Thanks!

NarcoticHobo- I will set those aside for you and I will see what else I can dig up! Thanks!
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

forneyuntd said:
Okay thank you!

Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any extra holos from those three sets at the moment, so if you would like to work on a trade for what you have seen from my list that you like, we can do that.....Just let me know....:) Thanks!

NarcoticHobo- I am also interested in your Hitmonchan HGSS24 x1....Let me know if we can work something out! Thanks!
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

maybe want your arceus lvl x 96 plz cm l
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

Okay well I have all of those reverse holos. How about those for the 2 holos I like?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

CMT for
RH Energy Search
RH Energy Retrieval
RH Sage's Training
RH Pluspower

RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

forneyuntd said:
Okay well I have all of those reverse holos. How about those for the 2 holos I like?

Sure....Just PM me to finalize! Thanks!

Soariyant- This may be an odd question, but do you have any cards from Emerald? They don't have to be rare, or holo......Just let me know! Thanks!

Hipoke- The only thing I saw would possible be Rare Candy Sandstorm RH x1. Just let me know if you want to work something out! Thanks!
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

i on ly have reverse holo energies that i know of . . .
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

Soariyant said:
i on ly have reverse holo energies that i know of . . .

Do you have a Fire or Psychic Energy from Emerald?
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

CML for:
Regigigas FB x1
Drifblim FB x1
Roserade C x1
Butterfree FB x1
Milotic C x1
Milotic C x1
Skarmory FB x1
Floatzel x1
Drifblim FB x1
Dusknoir FB x1
Drifblim x1
Wailord x1
Metang x1
Lickilicky x1
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

LillipupFTW said:
CML for:
Regigigas FB x1
Drifblim FB x1
Roserade C x1
Butterfree FB x1
Milotic C x1
Milotic C x1
Skarmory FB x1
Floatzel x1
Drifblim FB x1
Dusknoir FB x1
Drifblim x1
Wailord x1
Metang x1
Lickilicky x1

Hmm....Can you tell me which sets these are from?

Deoxys Delta Species
Ludicolo Holo
Ambipom Holo
Banette Holo
Rampardos Holo
Magmortar Holo
Dusknoir Holo
Sceptile Holo
x1 Armaldo EX
x1 Blaziken

Thanks! --Nina
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

BlastBurn said:
CML for all RH Black and White cards! :D

Interested in your RH Legendary cards (only the ones I don't already have....) Let me know if we can work something out....
RE: Crazar's Card Box - Help me clean it out! *Updated 08-14*

Crazar said:
Ok...I have those three coins, but I am still interested in the cards.....I will check to see if I have any holos from those other three sets as well.....Thanks!

NarcoticHobo- I will set those aside for you and I will see what else I can dig up! Thanks!

I can do Hitmonchan RH CoL and Duosion RH BW and the Hitmonchan Promo for whatever commons/uncommons you can find that i'm missing from those WotC sets.

If all you have is what you found earlier that's fine, but I was hoping for more :)